Every Blighted Killer Skin Ranked Worst to Best (Dead by Daylight Tier List)

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Hey everyone, today I thought we’d do a fun little video ranking all of the blighted killer skins. There’s quite a few now. If you didn’t know these are the skins that typically release each Halloween and have the killers appear quite differently due to the blight that’s been injected into them.

Chapter XXI is a Hellraiser one! The PTB is currently out and features the new killer, The Cenobite, or Pinhead. This is, however, the only content that seems to be releasing with the chapter.

Music used from YouTube Audio Library: The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake

Hope you enjoy!
Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/AZHYMOVS

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Intro 0:00
The Plague 0:15
The Trapper 0:36
The Hillbilly 0:54
The Hag 1:15
The Wraith 1:40
The Nurse 2:03
The Doctor 2:26
The Huntress 2:53
The Spirit 3:17
The Clown 3:50
The Ghost Face 4:25
The Blight 5:00
The Legion 5:29
Outro 6:01


47 thoughts on “Every Blighted Killer Skin Ranked Worst to Best (Dead by Daylight Tier List)”

  1. I agree with your rankings, & the appreciated little fun fact about one of my favorite killers in horror (Ghostie getting his blighted skin adapted into irl masks, “The More You Know X3). I love your contributions to the community & get so happy to see a new vid of yours in my sub box 😀 Hope all is well, thank you for the vids!

  2. The plague skin is so disappointing the idea of two infections fighting for control over one host body is really interesting and has so much potential. But we just just get a glorified pallette swap instead smh

  3. Wait, Pyramid Head's Forge Born outfit doesn't count as blighted?
    Huh. I thought all that stuff about the forge in the desc. was metaphorical.
    Guess it makes sense though.

  4. hey im new to this game and this is gonna be my first Halloween on dbd. I was wondering if you get these skins for free? i watched some old clips and i think u had to collect some Plants and then u got in game currency to buy the blighted skins? Is it gonna happen this Halloween as well?


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