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Hey everyone, today I thought we’d do a fun little video ranking all of the blighted killer skins. There’s quite a few now. If you didn’t know these are the skins that typically release each Halloween and have the killers appear quite differently due to the blight that’s been injected into them.
Chapter XXI is a Hellraiser one! The PTB is currently out and features the new killer, The Cenobite, or Pinhead. This is, however, the only content that seems to be releasing with the chapter.
Music used from YouTube Audio Library: The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Hope you enjoy!
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Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there):
Intro 0:00
The Plague 0:15
The Trapper 0:36
The Hillbilly 0:54
The Hag 1:15
The Wraith 1:40
The Nurse 2:03
The Doctor 2:26
The Huntress 2:53
The Spirit 3:17
The Clown 3:50
The Ghost Face 4:25
The Blight 5:00
The Legion 5:29
Outro 6:01
I was wondering what Freddy Kruger would look like if he was blighted. Already got the name for that outfit idea.
hillbilly has little faces on his upper body to!
I think blight's true blight skin reminds me of marouh (?) from RE8. the back really sells it.
Did we forget Pyramid head?
Blight with blighted skin
Video idea: maybe you could rank the different killer weapons, in terms of practicality, lethality etc
I agree with your rankings, & the appreciated little fun fact about one of my favorite killers in horror (Ghostie getting his blighted skin adapted into irl masks, “The More You Know X3). I love your contributions to the community & get so happy to see a new vid of yours in my sub box 😀 Hope all is well, thank you for the vids!
yesss i’m so glad he put legion at number one. that’s the only skin i’ve ever bought with real money because it was just so cool, and i was a legion main at the time.
The plague skin is so disappointing the idea of two infections fighting for control over one host body is really interesting and has so much potential. But we just just get a glorified pallette swap instead smh
Hey, I was wondering if you could do the same thing but for the survivor skins such as Dwight's Vigo's apprentice and Feng's Lady Defiant.
Omg a teir list where legion isn’t killed off early
The fun thing about legions blight skin is if you wear joeys base mask you can see Frank’s blighted eyes, the orange sclera glowing slightly
Disagree with The Plague. The clown also has the same skin as default… They both top5 imho
Can't wait to see this guy's face at 100k
Oh my God i can’t wait for Oni to get one (if he ever does) that would look SOO cool
Hillbilly actually has a second head on his shoulder on his Blight skin
Its neat that the spirits blight makes her face look like the oni's mask
Imagine twins, deathslinger or someone like Nemesis. If they ever make a Blighted PH or Nemesis skin, I would buy them immediately.
Bad game call of duty duty better
Do ranking every chapter trailer
Wait, Pyramid Head's Forge Born outfit doesn't count as blighted?
Huh. I thought all that stuff about the forge in the desc. was metaphorical.
Guess it makes sense though.
If you haven't already it'd be cool to see you rank all the killer skins to this date!
What about executioner?
2:13 that last second marked stab on Nancy…. Chef kiss
I always thought that was Julie at the back of his head because of the blonde hair
I hope they make a blighted Oni
I think Julie’s face is on the back of Frank’s head and Susie is on the chest with Joey.. if you look closely, the face on the chest has braces like Susie!!
I have a perfect concept for a video. Which survivors would you ship to be together? (including legendary skins)
It's a crime that there's no Blighted Deathslinger.
He's my favorite of the original characters
This Halloween they should make an unblighted skin for the Blight.
the legion skin and its idea of mixing all four member is amazing! it's my favorite
hey im new to this game and this is gonna be my first Halloween on dbd. I was wondering if you get these skins for free? i watched some old clips and i think u had to collect some Plants and then u got in game currency to buy the blighted skins? Is it gonna happen this Halloween as well?
Can u do survivors next
This may sound like a stupid concept, but what about "What would every DBD killer be doing if they never started killing?"
I think the blight is the best blighted skin also morty I’m in fortnite and I’m cranking 90s
I really hope Oni is going to get one next
What about pyramid head?
I am saving for my boy onis blight skin hoping it's good tho
Can you please do Freddy vs myers dbd
Broooooo The Legion looks so cool
What's especially cool about the Blighted Legion skin is that it's pretty much the only time that they are actually the Legion. Our name is Legion, for we are many. Four people, one body.
Love him or hate him, the doctor has a pretty cool blighted skin
Cant wait for the blighted Trickster skin
Spread The Gospel Please
I generally have never liked that legion skin which is why spirits is my favorite along side wraiths I just love seeing them ingame ❤️