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Hey everyone, today we’re ranking the character’s breathing. Breathing is a very underrated part of the game and is largely overlooked despite it having so many different levels and intricacies. We have four tiers. Boring breathing, Decent breathing, Good breathing, and Excellent breathing. Let’s get into it.
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Intro 0:00
Boring breathing 0:38
Decent breathing 3:27
Good breathing 6:01
Excellent breathing 8:30
Outro 10:26
I dislike that this has happened but here we are
blame cylon it was their idea <3
next: killer stun sound tier list
now do survivor grunts of pain tier list
rank survivors screams.
I look forward to see a video of killers and their stun sounds when getting stunned by a pallet
Alright now we need a killer thiccness rated worst to best
I don't know which is more funny, the fact that you made this video or the fact we're watching it LOL
Peace has been restored to the universe. He has made a breathing tier list.
Spirit moaning 😩😮💨😮💨
When im playing the pig her breathing throws me off because I think its a survivors
Bro I couldn’t take ghost face serious bro slows turn at AZH then slowly looks up at him ghost face got me dying 😭😂
survivor moa- breathing noises next
This, this is peak DbD content!
Can we get a walking animations tier list?
What about William Birkin legendary for blight? He has a completely different voice and sounds inc the menu breathing,and maybe even chatterer
As a Myers main, screw our breathing giving me away countless times when I'm using Scratched Mirror
Huntress voice… "but if you close your eyes"… yeah…
Next rank killers by how likely they would be to help your grandma cross the street
rank the survivor's coughing and puking
Yes, very cool, but survivors' grunts of pain ranked when?
Up next should be killer walking noises
Bro the adam in the background 😂
Next backs
Freddy's breathing resembles snoring in my opinion
I got one in every category! I never realized how cool PH's breathing is and is definitely deserving of the placement.
I also love my mains placement (Trickster, Ghostface, Nurse, and Dredge), it was so nice to hear their unique breathing too.
Why did i watch this?
I don't know if you've made one but…. "Every Killer's Gait Ranked from Worst to Best"
Next vid…
Ranking of Survivors' scream when putting them on a hook
Now we need stun noise 🙂
Walking sounds next >>>
I like Pig and Shape's breathing, at tier 1 Shape has no terror radius and hearing his breathing in the middle of a corn field or through a wall can actually be kind of scary, and the same thing goes for Pig when she is crouched because she breathes more heavily when crouching, I had a game where I heard her breath from behind a tree while I was on a gen and I shit myself and ran, if I hadn't heard it I would have been killed lol
"Nemesis has some decent breath" is my new favourite sentence
I agree with most, despite never actually really thinking about the breathing before! All in all, I'm happy with Micheal being the top spot, because like you said- it's so iconic!
Though I have to admit, I couldn't concentrate on listening with that gameplay video, I was way too intrigued by the ghostface standing there and slow turning to look at you 😂
So one thing i love about nightmare/Fready is that his breathing sounds like someone snoring, as if hes asleep. Now maybe that's just what i hear, but i still think it's cool.
killer pallet stun reaction tier list :3
Next do killer footsteps sound tier list
Huntress is out of breath because she can't stop humming
trickster in chase sounds a bit different and wraith's breathing is actually hillbilly's but speeded up
why are the subtitles just a massive wall of text lmao
What’s next killers staring at paint dry animation
I am genuinely impressed at how well you looped that ghostface when he exposed you, those 360s were nice