Everybody Now Hates Wesker – Dead by Daylight

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tf man


43 thoughts on “Everybody Now Hates Wesker – Dead by Daylight”

  1. i hate wesker so much, but why ? he is EXTREmely EASy to play and he is very very strong. its just shit design. not a single killer should be "op" but "no brain no skill" to use. but even if he is that simple to play, he has shit tons of hitbox issues while he is dashing and when if he connecting his m2 to a surv. im not even talking that he is literally the best tunneler in the game and every bot killer will tunnel you for whatever reason, usually because they suck hard at the game. hook – walk away (keep your dash tokens to get back to the hook in 2 seconds) – dash back as soon as that person is saved AND STILL INFECTED – tunnel him (even if he is good, his infection will get to 100% very fast and that -8% slow down will fuck you up for free) – you got away from him ? good luck using sprays, since they give away your position to him and he will know that it was YOU – double dash in your direction and tunneling continues.

    which killers i am facing all the time ? a) nurse / blight / spirit / wesker / huntress, b) wraith, legion. in the first case all of those killers are top ones and simply being op in different cases, most of those kids are sweating their ass off in pubs with broken addons and then showing off "how good they are". in the second case those killers are very simple to play, but a lot of the times they will either dc or go afk in the corner, since they cant do shit because being bad. most people will either play TOP / OP / BROKEN killers (a) or beginner friendly killers (b), if killer requires a lot of actual mechanical skill, good game senses and isnt and easy win as nurse or blight, then nobody will ever play them. such killers as singularity, clown are great examples. just ask your self how many clowns were using both pink and yellow bottles actively in your chases, being creatinve with the infinity combos they can do on a fly and outplay you ? none. how many singularities who are playing him as hag with a good web of traps ? nobody plays him at all.

    its just a skill issue, most people are simply bad in this game and they want to get KILLS even if they are BAD. nobody wants to learn how to actually play or learn killers which are harder to play but might be on the same level of fun.

    and before you will trash talk me – im a both sides player since 2016 but mainly a killer main who plays all killers.

  2. personally i disagree. nurse is high risk high reward. wesker is low risk high reward. alot of what wesker can do comes down to bs and latency issues but even if the latency wasnt a thing half the time it feels like when you go against wesker you might as well throw in the towel because whats the point.

  3. As a survivor main I enjoy playing against Wesker, as well as Blight which I know is uncommon for most. But it’s because they’re generally fun in chase and you can counter them simply.

    I think the big problem though is that you have these killers with crazy good addons or very strong abilities and as survivor we are losing most our best perks left and right. Next they’re nerfing BNP and Prove Thyself for example. With self heals taking so long and half the killers running sloppy butcher, no incentive to run boons because they’re just not worth the perk slots now, staying injured being the strong survivor meta it just becomes a grind for us.

    * EDIT *
    His hit box is most certainly NOT fine. His power while counterable, does have a very bad exploit that can be utilized after just a few hours playing Wesker. It gives him the ability to basically slingshot around objects with his dash when they should ordinarily stop him.

  4. the dbd community has a real big problem of accepting that just bc you don’t like versing a killer doesn’t mean other ppl wont. i find wesker fun to play and verse. if you don’t, that’s respectable. however i’ve legit seen tweets saying they should nerf wesker to lower his pick rate and i just can’t support that. this community just doesn’t know how to suck things up and have fun even in the worst situations. many things need to be addressed before Wesker. maps. blight add ons. legit unhealthy killers for the game like skull merchant and quality of life updates. idk. this whole wesker debacle ain’t that serious imo.

  5. 6:06 I disagree with Wesker's hitbox being "completely fine". Every single Wesker I encounter, the same exact thing happens: He starts using his M2 > I juke it > I get grabbed anyway. There's nothing I can do but hope Wesker misses me by a large margin so I don't get magneto grabbed, which is essentially Nurse gameplay ("hoping that the Killer messes up else you get hit") and it's so boring. And people who play Wesker love nodding for some reason, so after getting unfairly downed they start aggressively nodding every time, as if I didn't just get robbed.

    And yes, I always check the Killer's ping, and it doesn't seem to matter if the Wesker player has a red ping or not.

  6. Scott, for me, a viewer you've never seen… Can you make a 2-2.5 hour video about you just discussing your opinion on every killer, every killer strategy, and every map for every killer?

    I will pay you nothing, but I will infact leave a like and share the video.

  7. lol I've always hated wesker. I hate having lithe activate and getting yoinked from the vault. Starting to run and then glitching back to the window in his grasp with exhaustion is rage-quit worthy for me.

  8. (WARNING: A BIT LONG) I really think that if the overexposure of Wesker is GENUINELY getting to you, and it makes it hard to keep playing the game, you either need to take a full on break or just go into a custom with friends (or viewers if streaming) with the agreement that the killer is literally ANYONE else. It sucks, yeah, but you can't stop people from enjoying a character in ANY game, unless the devs ruin that character for some reason.

    (Separated cause this is kinda a different point) Even if other killers were more enjoyable and strong like Wesker, there's still differences between them. Hag, SM, Trapper and such are set-up killers at their core, not everyone likes that style. Wesker is also a character from a game series that a LOTTA people like, so there's automatic bias there (although maybe small), as well as the stupidly cool hug-tech and shit that, even if you make other killers more enjoyable, is not gonna be on a lotta other killers. IMO, I just think he's always gonna be a more common occurrence unless some OTHER awesome licensed killer comes out in the future.

    So the best thing everyone can do is take a step back, and GIVE YOURSELF that break. Even if you gotta mess up some bots and laugh at their stupidity, or go in a discord server and ask for people to join your customs, or straight up touch grass. Just help yourself while Wesker is still owning the roster, and stop complaining so much… A little is okay tho, we all should sometimes tbf

  9. I really like Wesker! I don't really like him inflicting hindered because that means the second hit will just be a non-chase after a bit which completely ruins the best parts about facing this killer

  10. I hate playing against him, I don't play as him. His hitboxes are dreadful you can get hit from a mile over a window / pallet and he makes you slower if you dont run halfway across the map to get a spray

  11. Gonna be honest, everyone I have played with even during on fresh release, people in post game bitched about weaker. (Specifically in game, not in the content creator world). People saying he is OP, Sweaty, whatever it is (none of it being true), people dcing over it being wesker

    I don’t get it either; but I generally think it comes down to lack of knowing how to effectively play against him. Usually the same people complaining that x non blight/nurse killer is op are the same people that don’t look behind them during chase and spend more time doing chests and totems than objectives

  12. No. What people get tired of is the fact that killers generally have to be right up no you to use their power that's intended to be used at range. Like Wesker or say Victor. They always fail at using their power from range then just get up on your ass with their speed and hit you. It becomes less of skill on dodging at range and more "You're getting hit anyway because there's nothing from stopping the killer from using their power right up on you".

    Killer powers should be required to be used at range (If it is intended to be used as such) and also Killers shouldn't be able to use powers at hooks. Like Trapper and Basement bullshit (every single Trapper out to play Basement Trapper) or Killers that just hook hover and use their powers once you unhook. It's pretty simple.

    And do I want other killers that have come out? No. I don't want "You can't loop that pallet" 2023 edition. I want them to come out with unique designs that don't boil down to anti tile/pallet which makes it pointless. Not saying Wesker does that, but the whole point blank issue I see with more than just Wesker.

  13. I genuinely like going against wesker. The only issue I've been having recently are server issues where it feels like every hit or projectile hits me no matter what. With Wesker I love dodging his power and I think its fun when Weskers use it but theres no dodging anymore when he just grab you at any point no matter how far away you are from him on your screen.
    Server issues are genuinely so aggravating I dont even like playing at this point because of how bad they are.

  14. It's fun for me that/ as it felt, before wesker there were too many blights in games, and I DID NOT see scuh reaction to many Blights as people react to Weskers right now… I guess dbd players just need to complain about something or else they will explode

  15. My dislike of Wesker comes from the fact most weskers I've played against recently, possibly because of the event, is using the "everyone is infected and exposed at max infection" addon. Having to spend the first chunk of the game using half of the sprays, and then not having it for most of the match is very unfun. Even when he doesn't tunnel in this situation it just isn't fun

  16. It has to do with whenever he pulls out his tentacle.

    "Put that thing away, there are children here!"
    We've all seen where it goes when he mori's someone.

  17. literally blows my mind that people actually hate him, basically everyone I talk to individually seems to think that he's too prevalent but he's a great killer, so weird to see this weird opinion going around that he's bad or op or something

  18. If people are seeing Wesker so much that they are getting bored of him, then I want to swap my matches with theirs. I rarely ever see Wesker. Like Scott said, I rather play against him 15 times than play against other killers.

    Also yeah the servers were HORRIBLE during the anniversary. I can’t even count the amount of times someone disconnected before the match loaded, or the game suddenly shuts down in the middle of it because the dedicated server crashed.

  19. Wesker try not to tunnel challenge(impossible edition)

    Seriously tho, like the second you unhook he 180s and beelines for the hook and yeah it’s basically every wesker

  20. πŸ˜” I don't hate Weskler, but yeah I'm tired of seeing him so much. And while I do agree with you Scott, he is fun to go against SOMETIMES, I generally when I know it's Weskler I just sigh and and say "oh joy, it's the blond guy with the glasses, yay 😢". I'm not a fan of RE personally, so to me he's just some dude in some shades and I don't get anything from that. I saw where someone said once youre unhooked they tunnel you, and yeah I definitely feel that when I spend a whole match dodging his power and they get salty about it. But thats a people thing more than a certain killer thing.

  21. The only thing I don't like about Wesker, is that everybody plays him the exact same. 99% of players ONLY use Wesker's power to traverse the map more quickly, and the rest of the time he is a glorified M1 killer. I understand that using his power is more challenging; I just wish that people would put in the work to at least TRY to learn how his dashes work.

    M1 only killers will just always be boring to loop against. No sick mind games, no outplays, just bloodlust, drop pallet, rinse, and repeat.

    Not to mention, Wesker's release resulted in less Nemesis players. Which is disappointing, because playing against Nemesis is really fun.

  22. The reason Wesker is overplayed is because the majority of the killer roster is just plain boring to play as. Most of them are m1 killers that get gangraped by a good swf team, while characters like Wesker, Oni, Blight etc. can actually do powerful and flashy plays and actually put up a fight.

  23. Buff lesser killers to be more viable and then there will be more killers used overall. There is no reason for any killer to be less than B tier. Most licensed killers are dogshit in how strong their powers perform. Shape, Pig, Freddy, Leatherface, Pyramid Head(Add-Ons), and OG Trapper, Wraith. Now, on to the Made For This issue. Do you think anyone wants to play 110 killers with that busted perk in the game? It is like old DH, Put another chase extending perk in the game, right after they nerfed DH. I can guarantee, if Wesker gets nerfed because survivors just want something to bitch about, there would be a big majority of killers playing Nurse and Blight more often. Oh, if you're reading this BHVR nerfing Spirit further without making tweaks to the power to compensate for the nerfed add-ons, is nonsensical. Frankly, it is a godamn habit you need to fucking get out of.

  24. I hated Wesker from day 1,
    because he gets so much shit for free which all the original characters don't have.

    Why aren't survivors getting infected when a Demo shred them or a Wraith hits them out of cloak?
    Why do his animations all look and sound similar, so that you can't identify if he is actually braking the pallet?
    Why doesnt he get punished if he misses his first dash?
    – if you give him line of sight he hits the follow-up dash
    – if you stay behind some structure, he gets no fatigue and then hits you before you can make it 10 m far

    His hitboxes are not ok. They are by far the most bs in the game. Compare it to freaking Billy. Against Billy it's enough to crouch and he slides off you and goes through your camera without the hit. On the other hand, Wesker sucks you 2 m to the side into his line.

  25. It's just annoying that I am playing against a wesker every other match.
    And hitboxes are kinda fked sometimes which adds to the annoyance factor I guess πŸ˜€

  26. in the west coast there is almost no weskers. i can play 50 matches and get 2. my friends literally keep TRACK of how many weskers we get and its almost never more than 5. so when i see him its awesome

  27. Getting tired of seeing Wekser's everywhere, but I'll still play the match. Like Scott says, it's better thank going againt Skull merchants, Pinheads, and Spirits (for me at least). Funky hit boxes and being launched in to a corner also suck against him, but it's not too common thankfully.

    Worse comes to worse, I switch to killer if I'm (or more likely my teammates) feeling bored and want a change of pace


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