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Exposed Legion Build! Vs Wholesome and Salty Streamers! | Dead by Daylight
Hey all PotatoLegion here I hope you’re well!
I am joined today by ThePrinceGaming who is a very wholesome Twitch Streamer who gave us a great reaction, was lovely to my community when they joined his chat and is overall a really nice guy!!
Be sure to check him out! Link below!
And of course when you have your Nice wholesome streamers, you have your salty and rude streamers!
We don’t pay them much attention, I’m more focused on the game play! And a little bit of exposing them at the very end of the video!
I hope you all enjoy!
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📺Be sure to check out theprincegaming!!📺
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Guys if you check out theprincegaming let him know I sent you!!
Stweemsnipe XD
Take my sub…. With a name like potato legion how could i not follow
Brining map offerings & complaining about random maps. Pick one not both.
Biggest babys I ever heard of dbd and adults too should grow up and their are always another match
First game is wholesome, that guy is a great guy, big hearted person.
Second game is a SATISFYING game, love me some toxic swf beat down. Treat people how you wanted to be treat, loser
2nd video– First thing I see pallet camping (and failing) /pre-pallet throwing. Also, do people not realize that most streamers games will be 30 seconds behind what's happening in the game? I thought that was common knowledge by now. I just can't really imagine trying to stream snipe and play the game at the same time, no thanks. Good video! I enjoyed it! 😀
If he is a terrible legion
And he killed them what does that make them?
My mate octopussey was in that first game, he was Kate lol. He streams too
I hate to say it but why did u make legion look attractive
LMAO, they weren't salty they were not good people
14:16 why didn't you go for the down here?
Were those games back to back? Listening to the salty streamers right after hearing the wholesome one just makes me irritated.
But you lost to one so what does that make you?
Was not expecting that emo Peter.
I'd like to think the salty ones were having a bad day or bad series of games in a row. One can only imagine though.
Bro the wholesome guy was so lovely, we stan the autotune legend!!!
"Terrible Legion"
Well how is he terrible if he clapped all 4 with only exposed perks? Its like Adept Legion but with extra steps
Definitly salty these toxic crybabies, maybe they shouldn‘t boost their entitlement in their own bubble.
Damn, I'm gonna need a nice, big glass of water after all of that salt. Yikes.
Damn, both of you are so wholesome. I like
You are so kind. I hope to play against you one day <3
Haha the salt, too much man😂
Very noice pad legion gamerz at the end.
the salty survivors sound a lot like these survivors…I'm pretty sure they're the same people.
That edit at the end was dirty lmao
Everyone uses the flashies for clicky clicks but don't actually try to blind the killer after breaking a pallet, weirdchamp
MainKillers be like >
Imagine beeing salty and complaining like a little child about a videogame because the Killer was better and they made big mistakes
Not only a pathetic build but also tunnel mori… just uninstall already.
Prince Gaming is quality, there will always be jealous haters. But Prince Gaming knows his stuff and is also very entertaining to watch. Love his singing
I dont get streamers who complain about Stream Sniping. If you dont wanna be Streamed night just get rid of the TTV/TV in your name, makes it a lot harder then.
If you dont wanna do that then your kinda bringing it on yourself, its not exactly a new tactic, been around since the dawn of live streaming!
Nice Video though!
“it doesn’t bother me” “fuck you guys”
It’s just a game, bro
No need to be saltier then the sea
I love the video I’m about to binge watch your Channel
The guy at end is just shit
What a legend
I love him. When he started singing with his voice changer I just fell in love with him.
I've run into theprincegaming before and me and my friend loved how wholesome he was
Haunted grounds is in my main legion build. I either use that or corrupt with thanat, sloppy and ruin
These people always make excuses when they play bad 😂
all they had to do was leave, ill say it again like i always do. altruism kills
3:26 oh my
dude this guy is so wholesome for dbd it nakes me uncomfortable