Exposed Legion Build! Vs Wholesome and Salty Streamers! | Dead by Daylight

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Exposed Legion Build! Vs Wholesome and Salty Streamers! | Dead by Daylight

Hey all PotatoLegion here I hope you’re well!

I am joined today by ThePrinceGaming who is a very wholesome Twitch Streamer who gave us a great reaction, was lovely to my community when they joined his chat and is overall a really nice guy!!
Be sure to check him out! Link below!

And of course when you have your Nice wholesome streamers, you have your salty and rude streamers!
We don’t pay them much attention, I’m more focused on the game play! And a little bit of exposing them at the very end of the video!

I hope you all enjoy!

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📺Be sure to check out theprincegaming!!📺

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45 thoughts on “Exposed Legion Build! Vs Wholesome and Salty Streamers! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. First game is wholesome, that guy is a great guy, big hearted person.
    Second game is a SATISFYING game, love me some toxic swf beat down. Treat people how you wanted to be treat, loser

  2. 2nd video– First thing I see pallet camping (and failing) /pre-pallet throwing. Also, do people not realize that most streamers games will be 30 seconds behind what's happening in the game? I thought that was common knowledge by now. I just can't really imagine trying to stream snipe and play the game at the same time, no thanks. Good video! I enjoyed it! 😀

  3. Prince Gaming is quality, there will always be jealous haters. But Prince Gaming knows his stuff and is also very entertaining to watch. Love his singing

  4. I dont get streamers who complain about Stream Sniping. If you dont wanna be Streamed night just get rid of the TTV/TV in your name, makes it a lot harder then.

    If you dont wanna do that then your kinda bringing it on yourself, its not exactly a new tactic, been around since the dawn of live streaming!
    Nice Video though!


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