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  1. I like the idea of his power being able to "chain" to multiple survivors if they are close enough for example if two or three survivors work on a gen u show up throw your chain unfortunately you can only slow one (unlike clowns easy AOE bottles) but what if you could hit one survivor amd go through towards the next ones then u could have a "chained togther" effect because honestly the fact clown can slow survivora faster and easier and multiple at a time just makes pinhead seem so weak in comparison

  2. I feel every first chain should injure the survivor, like even every time after they heal the when they get hit with the chain they get injured then every chain after that just slows them down, because to be fair pinhead should be a lot stronger then what he looks like in the ptb. I mean shit clown can slow down survivors quicker, they really need to do a lot more work on him, but still it looks pretty sweet. I’m just happy that they brought pinhead to dbd

  3. The range on the chains are insane but they dont really reward you for using the range since you cant follow up well.
    Also the lethality is a little underwhelming. The chains should injure if multiple hit you, that way during chain hunt if you hit your power it can lead to a damage state.

  4. 2:16 I think the Kate thought she could run and drop the pallet behind her but since she couldn’t run because of the hooks, it did the standard pallet drop animation so she basically cut herself off lol

  5. -The lament configuration is only revealed for 10 seconds to the survivors (each time it spawns)
    -Summons of Pain values have increased (it will now take survivors a little longer to escape the summons of pain chains)
    -If a survivor holds onto the lament configuration for more than "X" seconds, the lament configuration will respawn.

    These are a few changes I would like to see. I think he's good but def coild better, his flaw is really that survivors can easily break from the chains.

  6. I’ve got a few ideas on how to change pinhead. If they make it so when a survivor is chained they need to stand still to remove the hooks or else they will just move slowly until the hooks are removed. This would then balance out the fact that the killer has to stand still and hit a skillshot that can be dodged. Additionally I would like to see the hooks not be able to miss so easily on survivors walking in a straight line, so they could potentially make them shoot out quicker. Lastly if using the environment to break chains it should IMMENSELY slow you down and then break them as it feels the chains are made of butter.

  7. Its his own box he should know where the box or survivors shouldn’t see its location from so far its really annoying when the devs kiss survivors ass its getting old and repetitive i mean come on people:(

  8. I think he should injure with base but his iridescent changes to where he can see the box as well or make it to where survivors actually have to look for it instead of hanging it to them

  9. I feel like if the chains took just a bit longer to break that would make a pretty big difference. Also, survivors seeing the boxes aura is jank and should be removed. Also, if you're just holding the box and running around with it, you shouldn't be able to do gens, heal, unhook, or open the gate. I don't think it'd be so bad to have another strong killer for once.

  10. It should be that the chains can't break on the environment or pin head. Survivors can't vault or throw down pallets when chained either. That would make it a bit better, they can still break out of it pretty easily but these 2 changes shouldn't make that matter too much… maybe?

  11. I think a good buff would be that his chain when removed give the deep wounds status effect.
    Sure legion would be worthless at that point but he alredy was worthless to begin with.

  12. So in this chapter survivors have an entire animation for solving the puzzle box but in the resident evil chapter they don't even have one for curing themselves with the vaccine… smh

  13. These are my ideas to make Pinhead a little bit better.

    I feel like using then environment shouldn't break the chains instantly. It basically makes them useless.
    The chains should either take longer to remove, or make it spawn about 5 chains because it takes a ridiculously short amount of time to remove them.
    The cube's aura shouldn't be shown to survivors either until the timer is full and the passive chains are activated.
    The timer Shouldn't reset on Teleport, but give Pinhead a downside like either longer teleport cooldown, or he is unable to teleport again until the cube is solved so the killer has to use the teleport strategically.

  14. Never once thought I’d see a killer where I’d almost always run bamboozle on (slowdown from chain let’s you just vault a window to catch up when you vault 15% faster). Brutal too, for the same reason but at pallets

  15. I think Chain Hunt should only end if the box is solved, also including if Pinhead teleports to it, instead of picked up. That or also make the survivor exposed while holding it. Holding the box shouldn't be a good idea.

  16. You know how the developers made Trickster by saying "what if hatchets, but more more and weaker?"
    Well, I feel like they made Pinhead by saying "what if bear traps, but more and weaker?"

  17. I don't know, the chain RNG can either win you a game or lose it… It's too random for me. His power is cool, but as you said – Nurse does the same thing but better. I don't see myself playing this killer anytime soon. If they make his chain injure a survivor by default, without it being able to down them, then he'd be solid.

  18. If you have the add on to injure healthy survivors / mend injured survivors, Play With Your Food becomes a pretty good perk for this killer. Not only does it allow you to catch up to survivors quicker with the speed + slowdown, you can get it from the obsession while in your power also without losing stacks for injuring survivors.


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