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Long have we waited for the Five Nights at Freddy’s chapter in Dead By Daylight – but what will it actually be like? Let’s discuss.
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#fnaf #dbd
My guess is based on how i think Scott will allow BHVR to work with his characters and story:
Killer- Springtrap
Survivor- either a version of Mike that's been put back together after SL, or one before it. This would allow DBD to have the exclusive on how Micheal looked like in the games
Map- Memories of tragedy: a map made from the memories of the characters taken, which would include pieces of the various locations floating around and mashed together, in the realm of the Withered Isles
the fact it's a FIVE nights at freddy's chapter and needs FIVE gens to complete, i feel that should be, atleast in some part a passive bit of springtrap's power. If it was ol' springy i think he should have passive A.I Phantom animatronics around that have matching game behaviors. Phantom Foxy popping up slouched near completed/50% completed generators and you have to avoid looking at him (same duration as a ghostface reveal) or he'll jumpscare you and hinder you for example, Phantom freddy can spawn near generators and survivors have to spot him as he slowly makes his way to their location or suffer a hindered and jumpscare status effect.
completing gens will increase their "A.I" level and make them appear more frequently and be faster – a combonation of nemesis zombie a.i logic and doctor hallucinations.
This is a Annaversay chapter btw so we are definitely getting a map they wouldn't do a Annaversay chapter without a map
Leaks say 2 maps, Fazbear frights and the movie location, Springtrap and 2 survivors being pretty much Mike and Vanessa
A perk that allows survivors to place cameras that reveal the aura of the killer to everyone in a certain radius, but can be PERMANENTLY broken by the killer would be so cool
Perk: "i always come back" when a totem is destroyed it wil return but in a nearby location
Idk i havent played dbd in a while so i dont know if theres a perk like that
Although lot of people want Springtrap as the killer, I think we are getting either The Mimic or Freddy, but I don't really know, probably we have more chance of getting Mimic
Another possibility for a survivor would be Michael Afton. While we only have the barest sense of what he looks like, the details we do know would lend itself for some interesting artistic interpretations. Plus it would be neat to have an undead character as a survivor.
Springtrap not being the killer honestly wouldn't feel right. He's a sadistic, undead serial child murderer with a horrific and iconic design. He'd fit right in with all the others.
As for maps, I have three main suspicions. The first is a map based on the pizzeria from the original game, maybe even the movie like you suspected. The second is one based on Fazbear's Fright from the third game, a haunted house attraction based on the infamous restaurant chain. The third is the atrium of the Mega Pizzaplex from Security Breach, which would be the most interesting idea for a map since the place is so massive that it would be an indoor map that feels like an outdoor map.
If we get movie characters as the survivors, I feel like springtrap is gonna look more like the suit from the movie than fnaf3, but maybe it could be a mix between the two? I think it would also be cool to have the og 4 as legendary skins
Here are my ideas for springtrap as a killer spring traps gameplay would be similar to the trappers where you have to somewhat set up early game and late game the survivors struggle more
For gameplay details spring trap would be very noisy thanks to his metal body and have no special ability but rather he would have a gimmick instead similar to pigs.
That gimmick would be the stuffing springlocks gimmick around the map there are 8 animatronic suits sitting down those animatronic suits will be the main 4 animatronics (freddie,Bonnie,chica and foxy) how this gimmick would work when you down a survivor you have an option to hook or stuff them in an animatronic suit to kill them now if you kill a survivor using a suit the suit will get up and start to roam around similar to nemesis zombies until they see another survivor than they will chase them down fast now to balance this to kill a survivor with a suit you would have to stuff them in a suit a total of 4 times to kill them but if you place them on the hook before the suit the requirements are lowered and if the survivor is on death hook you would put them in a suit instead and it would be a confirmed kill also the animatronics that help springtrap are just as loud as he is which would balance everything also the animatronic suits are much easier to escape out of alone than the hooks are so I would recommend hook the survivor twice then stuff them in a suit and if your animatronics jumpscare a survivor the animatronic would reboot for a few seconds
Perk 1:SpringLocks
What this perk does is make it harder for the survivors to escape the animatronic suits and while in a suit they would die/bleed faster than normal if this perk is equipped
Perk 2:Jumpscare
What this perk does is if you or the animatronics jumpscare the survivors it would reveal survivors aura for a few seconds this also decreases Reboot speed by a few secs also
Perk 3:William always comes back
If a survivor completes a gen,fails a skill check on a gen, gets unhooked or escapes the suit springtraps movement speed would increase and his footsteps become silent for a few seconds which would give the killer to quickly stalk and hunt the survivors
Freddy’s mega pizza plex from security breach
scrap trap and burn trap and spring Bonnie for springtrap
Marionette/the puppet for the nurse
Nightmare Freddy for the twins victor is now a freddle
Regular security guard outfit for Dwight
If anyone has any ideas for the survivors side of more cosmetics say it the the reply’s and I hope you liked my idea for springtrap
Hear me out. Springtraps the survivor(as burntrap), Cassidy is the killer(from ultimate custom night). Cassidys does not have a body(or is the blob) but changes from animatronic to animatronic during the game all with their own abilities like fun time Freddy mimicking voices, baby's claw, the nightmares have sound illusion discs and foxy charges. The animatronics are either in the map always but they go into some type of form you can walk through to not block players or the player will have to go to specific areas to change. If springtrap is the killer then he has a sound illusion disk and can somehow place it on a survivor. When activated they swap models but the player with it on is the only one that doesn't see the player model swap.
what if michael is a playable Charakter? (survivor)
What to expect? I expect this to only appeal to the Nickelodeon crowd only. After five years it's time to take this game to a pawn shop. It's trash
Love the vid. And honestly if the original 4 aren't killers how cool would it be for them to be legendary skins for their original killers.
Spaghetti Freddy from security breach – The Dredge.
Nightmare Freddy from Fnaf 4 – The Twins
Toy Bonnie from Fnaf 2 – The Trickster
Toy Chica from Fnaf 2 – The Skull Merchant
Foxy from Fnaf 1 – The Blight
These are just a couple ideas. Probably not good ones hehe
I am so excited for it, I even signed the petition back like 2020
I am pretty sure that Springtrap will be the killer and we get Freddy, Chica, Foxy and Bonnie as legendarys time by time
My theory:The killer will be named The Animatronic and just have all the different animatronics as skins
heres what to expect: Utter disappointment because it wasnt what any of you were expecting and are just gonna give it the xeno treatment 😂
Springtrap as the main killer, Foxy skin for blight, Bonnie skin for doctor, Chica skin for twins, Vanny skin for legion, Freddy skin for…..? dont know really. I just really think it would be cool to see Foxy running around screaming as the blight i really think it could work
The killer should be either springtrap or ennard
Pretty much everyone agrees the killer should be Springtrap, which makes me nervous they’ll fumble and make it Vanny or the mimic or something since those characters are more recent and relevant to the current story.
Survivor could be Vanessa like you said, she’s an adult character with visual representation in the games. It’s also possible for them to dip into the graphic novels for characters and the survivor is Charlie, though that may be a stretch.
This might be an odd take, as I’ve heard several people describe the fnaf3 springtap design as “perfect” but the new design (the movie, into the pit) has definitely grown on me, where its more obvious he was originally yellow instead of green and the decay feels a bit more organic. While I understand them doing the fnaf3 route, I do hope we get a cosmetic (even if it has to be an ultra rare or legendary skin) based off the movie design
Would be cool if we see golden Freddy hidden around whatever map you're in
I hope they will mix the first game and the movie for this chapter.
I hope for Springtrap or William Afthon in Springbunny suit as the killer. And having his other game froms as customs skins.
I hope for Mike Afthon as the surviver in this chapter, Having Vanessa would be a good bonus.
If Springtrap won't become a killer? Then i hope for Freddy Himself with Bonny, Chika and Foxy as part off the ability like how the Knight works.
Due to the outright size of the FNAF franchise as a whole, and depending on how they get their licensing, and what they have access rights to use in DBD, I expect the FNAF chapter to come sorta like Resident Evil Chapter 1.
When they dropped RE Chapter 1, they made an explicit choice to represent as many of the modern/remake games as possible – Leon from 2, Jill from 3, RPD from 2, Nemesis from 3. With callbacks to Chris from 1, Claire from 2 – because these were the most recent of the core games to have gotten attention, but still have long-standing enough design and lore to really have it blend well as a callback to the original games that inspired many with it's horror.
If FNAF receives the RE treatment, I expect to see callbacks to several games between the map, killer, and potential survivors. Springtrap from 3 (alt skin being the movie Springtrap), maybe some sort of side objective as an ability, like Pig's trap boxes but instead, it's to keep animatronics from wandering around or to get them to return to their place and stop doing things (think sorta like the Wind up mechanic in 2), and it would be interesting to see what they could potentially use for the map – be it like the movie, the OG Pizzaria, or even some kinda Megaplex from security breach – there's ruin and security breach, so we could see a completely ruined version of the megaplex. Mike & Vanessa would be an interesting way to call into the lore a bit while also utilizing the characters from the movies – because Vanessa (or Vanny from Security Breach) could have a few different outfits, perhaps even a rabbit mask cosmetic like the one used to diagnose machines in Ruin, and Mike has a lot of wiggle room to interpret beyond the scope of the movie, especially if we want to make references to the games like FNAF 1 or 2 by giving him the FNAF2 Freddy Mask (even though he wasnt in that game it'd be an excellent alt cosmetic just for the sake of including more references to more games). However survivors might not be included, and I get why not. That said, it'd still be nice to see survivor cosmetics for FNAF, like security guard outfit for dwight, or something to that affect.
I dont want to be negative but i would hate if this chapter will be movie oriented. Mainly since the movie was bad and that the games are the thing that made the franchise a thing
About springtrap using a knife that's not fully true while yes when he was just wearing the suit he used a knife after he fused with the suit and possessed it he mainly uses his hands to kill whitch imo is more interesting then a knife
I think the best ending is Springtrap as killer using the phantoms from fnaf 3 as his power with a Freddy legendary skin that replaces the phantoms with the original animatronics
I just discovered your channel, you have a really nice voice :3
I have a sneaking suspicion that, if it's not our murderous yellow bunny, it's going to be the mimic, given a game if theirs is coming out, and he's sort of been the new big bad.
Why Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals didnt got it instead? This game was alr about to fall off with its toxicity positivity community.
Another character i strangely look towards when it comes to the killer is the Puppet/Marionette I remember the character holding some relevance to the story but I haven’t gotten into FNAF since I was in my early teens so I barely remember any “lore” I knew and I like the puppet design more then spring-trap but in all honesty I know it’s spring-trap He’s just too iconic for the franchise.
Here's what I'm predicting for the FNAF collab. A full chapter. New Killer: Springtrap/William Afton (The Attraction) as he was meant to be an attraction in FNAF 3. New Survivor(s): Mike (Movie) and/or Vanessa since they are the only protagonists that have a visual representation and child survivors are pretty much a no go in DBD and if they go the movie route, Vanessa is William Afton's daughter. I wouldn't know what to expect in the form of perks, so I'm not even gonna go there. New Map: Pizzeria from FNAF 1 or Fazbear's Fright from FNAF 3, either of those two would be perfect. New Cosmetics/Skins: FNAF themed outfits for the survivors and animatronic skins for the killers. For example, a Blob skin would be perfect for Dredge and a Mimic skin would be great for Singularity. Those are my thoughts and predictions. What do you think?
they might age up Gregory just like the sadako chapter I read survivor was a kid they aged him up to be an adult
This dlc has so much possibilities!
We could get a new killer, who is Springtrap
We could get new survivor, who is Josh
We could have new killer skins such as Foxy for Blight, Chica and Cupcake for the Twins
Crazy how its already been over a month since that announcement.
I think Golden Freddy would be a pretty interesting killer skin or killer in general as its possible that Cassidy is the one fully in control of the suit and was brought in by the entity and because theres a theory where the white eyes is the entity showing a different vision of what they actually should be seeing (ex: Spirit & Oni, Wraith & Nurse, ect) and Golden Freddy could have those white eyes
I feel like a good alternative for the killer could be the mimic, but I don't fully know what his abilities could be. Maybe like costumes he can hide in?
I know it won’t happen, but I personally really want the stitchwraith from the books, even if it’s just a skin.
Henry probably wont be a survivor but i hope we atleast get him as an skin 🥶☠️
I really really really hope for decaying living corpse Micheal Afton as a survivor, or skin, it'd be dope playing as a sorta zombie as survivor