Forty Minute Long Dead by Daylight Game

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i dont even know wtf this was

#dbd #spirit


32 thoughts on “Forty Minute Long Dead by Daylight Game”

  1. Okay I've thought of a decent solution to this whole boon thing (coming from a survivor main I might have biases). Hexes should outpower a boon if it is one that shows up later in the match like noed. If the killer snuffs a boon the whole totem should go. Add maybe 2-3 more spawn locations for dull totems or offerings that can do so. Also booning a hex should keep the power of the hex hidden within. That allows the killer and survivor to choose to leave the totem, break it, boon it, or snuff it and all have their own purpose. The killer may want their hex to stay in return for the survivors having their perk in that area. The survivors should be more cautious about where they place their totems and when so they don't use them all. And if there is one totem left and you believe it's noed. Probably best to destroy it instead of blessing as he would outpower your boon and allow him to still get noed and blocks you from being able to stop it. LMK if this is bad or good. I think it actually allows for thought instead of just "boon everything always". Feels dumb even as survivor tbh.

  2. Reminds me of that time I played blight for the first time and had a really strong 3 gen all within line of sight.
    I was like, rank 18 and the game was 4 gens done in 5 minutes, with the game continuing for almost an hour and a half of me hitting people, them running to the other side of the map and chasing other people off the gens. I'd have people constantly signalling to come.
    Pretty sure I only won because they weren't playing around Dragon's Grip so I was getting free insta-downs when they started to play poorly because I was super stubborn and refused to leave my 3 gen.
    Fun thing, the moment it was 1 left and I closed hatch… the 4th dced.

  3. Wow this one video is exactly how long it took for me to kill a Namielle… like almost exactly on point and I'm not sure if that means I'm slow at beating a Namielle 🙁

    Only got one whisker when I need like 10 kekw

  4. Scott really shows how unbiased he is with this vid . Says Spirit and slinger are op and need nerfs then proceeds to Bully Said Spirit for 40 minutes with op survivors bs that's perfectly fine. I don't want to hear anything out this guy's mouth about killers he only wants strong survivors.

  5. Saw the title and was immediately taken back to the time I was on Swamp against a version of impossible skillcheck doc (no totems though) who wouldn’t chase and attack, would constantly apply Overcharge/Unnerving to a three gen and shock anyone who came close to a gen. I reckon that one lasted about 40-45mins (only because he got a bit complacent)

  6. I was in the stream watching this and I went to go shower for 20 minutes and came back to find it still on. I then played a dbd game and finished at the same time. I have never been more confused in my life

  7. They seriously got a put some kind of time system in this game. It’s crazy how horribly this game is ran by the developers. Five years in and it still needs fixes.


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