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A video exploring some of the new add-ons for the Nightmare. Spoilers: they’re not very good.
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Thumbnail 3D render by the talented JCBadaba:
Post-game analysis conclusion: Snares would have been more reliable and helpful in this match.
I think if you d replace corrupt intervention with discordance they wouldnt even be able to reach to 1 gen.
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Why do you keep saying you can't give hatch because of MMR? I don't think there's any reason you need to play ruthless now compared to before the change. Giving hatch once in a while would theoretically slightly lower your MMR, meaning less sweaty, and therefore more enjoyable matches.
I feel like there's no real initiative to wake up anymore and thats kind of a problem. If pin head can have chain hunt which is strong af why shouldn't the sleep status be more affective against survivors.
I wish you were churning out this much content when you were playing Dark Souls 2
I got like 3 games with 3 DC's today and idek why no tunneling no camping did the ban penalty get removed
There's a challenge to escape as eldoie while holding an iri add-on. That's probably why she didn't want to use the key.
Using black box and Mori for an offering.
I use those with the paint thinner.
BBQ, pop, lightborn and noed.
Is it me or is Freddy faster than all killers
11:51 Freddy looks like a golf ball in that hole xD
lmao in the end game chat someone said “I hope you die” in russian
Okay, but petition for Otz to minimize end-game chat in case of russians. Because what Kate said there was aimed towards Elodie (racial slur kinda and a death wish). Kate brought hatch offering and got upset when Elodie didn't kill herself on hook. Just to keep Otz out of trouble with Twitch. Better safe than sorry. 🙁
Maybe freddy should have an addons that creates more palette spots or turns some of the palettes into fake one in the beginning of the match? I would love some criticisms on this idea. Also idk how the palettes at the beginning of the match would spawn in.
I hate playing Feddy; he changes so much on the fly and I'm a survivor main.
I still love playing pallet Freddy, I'm happy they fixed the bug where he could get stunned by them.
Should have let Kate drop the fake pallet on you there at the end just for the laughs.
Man [bad word] MMR, it doesn't even work right. Give hatch.
Thanks for the video Otz.
Hey friends I just wanted to ask if anyone else has had survivors at low rank with super good perks and equipment. Thanks all
Otzdarva has 200 IQ
i main freddy with the pallet addon and before the mmr change was rank 1 pretty easily thano,ruim,barbecue,undying
I know dream palettes are worse then snares, but I think they are way more fun then snares
i like Fredy 🙂
Does freddy have a lunge bug?