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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
11:54 serves that ash right for looking so clueless at exit gate, i swear ive died to braindead survivors looking somewhere else in these situations when im running at the gate
10:31 Can't argue with that! Let's nerf Freddeh even more
"I think this map if massively survivor sided"
proceeds to get hit
Oh my boy Fred! What have they done to you!! From a balanced killer after the rework to one of the most dogshit…
Freddy suffered the same fate as Billy.
Extremely overrated killers that got nerfed into the ground because of shit survivors and dumb devs that don't play their own game.
Wraith is going the same way and i wouldn't be surprised if they nerf him more in the future.
I love Tru3's crybabie logic, in this match we have a SUPER bad and Dumb Freddy"s player, but according to Tru3 this player should have some kills. A Freddy's player that didn't commited to a single chase, wasn't using his traps, wasn't drestroying Pallets, TRIED A BACKWALK on the CAR LOOP (like EVERYONE can see he's doing a backwalk because it's a car hahha), donwed a Survivor on the gate and let he escape to chase another HEALTH survivor…. but nooo acording to Tru3's cries this Super bad Freddy player should have more than 1 kill. I love this Logic "If a Survivor player is good = is OP and should lose and if a Killer player is Super bad = He still should get more than 1 kill" …………………….
Springwood "massively survivor Sided", Yeah ok. I gotta hear the excuse
Tru3's hilarious
Devs: we've recently seen that Freddy has been overperforming by downing people twice before the game is over. Considering the feelings of both sides, we have removed Freddy's ability to hit survivors/damage them until all 5 generators are completed, thus encouraging more fun for the survivors
Lol he was honestly Just a trash Freddy 🤷♂️
WAIT and on the end of the game, Freddy gets a KILL? OMG this is too oppressive. I can't play this game anymore…I'm done
Freddy was able to hit survivors several times, hell even he was able to down survivors Four times this match!!!!, Those poor survivors didn't get any fun at all, Devs should look into this carefuly, They might run out of survivor mains!
Ahahahaha love the irony, best killer side streamer! Keep on we need you!
Freddy really be walking like a smooth criminal. 😎
Meh, I'll just keep running Nurse and getting 3-4k every game, until they nerf every other kill into the ground, then it's Nurses turn. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I luv the sarcasm, send this to the devs
Late night, the DJ disappeared Kappa
This was hilarious and gave me some good laughs. Thank you 🖤
Imagine playing a horror game as survivor being relaxing. Oh wait.
Freddy getting hooks?!?! I can't believe you've done this 😫
Do the devs cater to the casual community more than the pro players?
I was laughing the whole game through but the "Imagine that were real tho, itd kinda hurt…" comment just fucking killed me. Trus humor needs to be nerfed, too OP
Question hypothetically if undying wasn’t nerfed how would that play out with boon totems. I personally believe they could revert the changes since the have released counterforce and these new boon totems so counter-play to totems is now more viable.
I agree on what you said. Playing killer is a bit stressful it's really good to jump to survivor then go killer.
10:31 Lmao i love when true is being sarcastic 11:06
How did Freddy got nerfed anyway? I remember him being invisible ages ago and he got reworked to the way he is now, right? If he was invisible but with the slowdown/fake palete abilities he might have been a bit better cuz the currenty Freddy is meh…
this is comedy gold!