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In today’s video I use “Bardic Inspiration” to gen rush Killers in Dead By Daylight!
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#dbd #deadbydaylight #memes
Was actually enjoying a Bardic build myself last night. Didn't use Fogwise though since I used an exhaustion perk instead, but it's insane if you have 4 stake out tokens and a 20 on bardic. 5% on a check + hyperfocus speed is so satisfying. The real enemy are the go-nexters
finally dbd fixed bard
Dirty brain rusher
wait, i thought bardic inspiration had effect only on other survivors, not yourself
cheeky lil geetar vid 😮
Guard vault: No, you did it right. You baited him to go to it before continuing to follow you. They don't vault it (they don't even have vault animation, they just phase through it if you actually vaulted), it just makes them prioritize going to the window first before continuing to go after you, allowing you to get some distance. In most cases it probably won't do much.
And yes, it's green, not blue like I said last time =A=
I'm ngl, this perk on the PTB I went "Omg, thats hillarious, I'll use it every game" and um.. havent used it once
1 surv vs 4 killers is insane work 14:14
Good build nice vid but what survivor has this perk
"This is the best chuckster i've encountered"
The guy was absolute garbage and trash at playing Chucky , you're too humble bro 😂❤
anytime i try a gen build I get chased the whole game
I hope to get into one of your games someday it would be an honor 😂
12:35 could have jumped down the hole. Midwich best map.
I’m now at peace, I uninstalled dbd earlier
Idk I've wrecked people on the silent hill map with the knight
Brain looping an fairly good Chucky for like 3 gens:
The music: 🎼 🎶🎼 🎵🎼🎵🎵🎼🎼🎵🎶
Deja Vu, Bardic Inspiration, Stakeout, and Hyperfocus. Is a build I use all the time
what name of the outro music
I love your content man
Which perks you are using on this?
I love using bardic with the Ashy Slashy puppet. It looks so funny
Day 80 of asking BrainDBD to let me be in a video
"This guy's genuinely one of the best chucky's I've ever played"
Thanks Brain now I can't fit my massive head into my new car
Slippery meat makes this killers go crazy -braindbd inspirational quote
Who is most useless player?
1.- Sable Ward
2.- Megahead
3.- Stealth and Selfish
Brain buddy what's your favorite Ash outfit combo
Bro why tf is brain's outro music having me think that ive just watched a magical film 😭
Day 81 of asking BrainDBD to let me be in a video
Day 82 of asking BrainDBD to let me be in a video