Getting Value From The Worst Perks in Dead by Daylight

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I wanted to play some games with some of the worst killer perks in all of dbd and try to get some value. If you enjoyed, be sure to leave a like, comment and subscribe!

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Royal – Persona 5
Blossom Haze – Sonic Unleashed
Zeku’s Theme – SF5
Tranquil Inn – Persona 5

0:00 Intro
1:32 The Worst or Best Perks?
10:27 The Omega Brain Play
19:38 Outro

#Twoknee #dbd #Doctor


37 thoughts on “Getting Value From The Worst Perks in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hey! Here are some killer perk buff ideas I thought of.

    New Perk Idea: Allies From The Shadows

    Effect: After 40/35/30 seconds of an idle generator with at least 1% repair progress, the Entity’s crows will fly to the generator and peck at the wires, regressing the generator at normal regression speed. If any player, including the Killer, approaches the crows within a 4 meter radius, the crows will fly away, stopping the generator from regressing.

    The perk Spies From The Shadows would synergize well with this perk since the killer would also receive a loud noise notification when the crows are interrupted.

    Forced Penance

    Current Effect: Survivors who take a Protection Hit suffer from the Broken Status Effect for the next 60/70/80 seconds.

    Buff: Along with the current effect of Forced Penance, Survivors who rescue a carried survivor by blinding and/or stunning the killer suffer from the Incapacitated Status Effect for 30/35/40 seconds.

    Hex: The Third Seal

    Current Effect: The last 2/3/4 Survivors hit with either your Basic Attack or Special Attack suffer from the Blindness Status Effect.

    Buff: Once the killer injures a survivor and applies Hex: The Third Seal, it activates on a single random dull totem. For 120 seconds, the Hex Totem is blocked by the Entity and cannot be cleansed by anyone. Additionally, after injuring a survivor and/or downing a survivor while they are cursed by the Hex, their hearing and vision are moderately impaired for 3 seconds. This effect would be similarly to the perk Knock Out.

    Septic Touch

    Current Effect: Whenever a Survivor performs a Healing action while they are inside your Terror Radius, that Survivor suffers from the Blindness and the Exhausted Status Effects. These effects linger for 6/8/10 seconds after the Healing action is interrupted by any means.

    Buff: The Terror Radius requirement is removed.

    Remember Me

    Current Effect: Each time the Obsession loses a Health State, Remember Me gains 1 Token. Increases the Opening time of both Exit Gates by 4 seconds per Token, up to a maximum of 8/12/16 additional seconds. The Obsession remains unaffected by this penalty.

    Buff: The Obsession is now affected by Remember Me, but at half the amount.

    Grim Embrace

    Current Effect: Each time a Survivor is hooked for the first time, Grim Embrace gains a Token. Upon reaching 4 Tokens Grim Embrace activates. The Entity blocks all Generators for 30/35/40 seconds. The Aura of the Obsession is revealed to you for 5 seconds.

    Buff: Each time a survivor is hooked for the first time, gain a token and activate Grim Embrace up to a maximum of 4 tokens. Each token blocks all generators on the map for 15 seconds. After all 4 tokens have been acquired, the auras of all survivors are also revealed to the killer for 4/5/6 seconds.


    Current Effect: Pools of Blood are shown in bright red and can be tracked for 2/3/4 seconds longer than normal.

    Buff: Along with the current effect of Bloodhound, the auras of injured survivors are revealed to the killer for 3 seconds once every 45 seconds. Additionally, survivors also make more noise while they are healing.


    Current Effect: Scratch marks left by Survivors spawn Slightly/Moderately/Considerably closer together.

    Buff: Along with the current effect of Predator, the Killer gains a +5% Hast Status Effect only while outside of a chase.

    Coup De Grâce

    Current Effect: Each time a Generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power. Gain 1 Token per Generator. Consume 1 Token to increase the distance of your next Lunge Attack by 70/75/80%.

    Buff: Instead of being based on a token system, Coup De Grâce will now have a 45-second cooldown. However, this cooldown will only begin once the killer is outside of a chase, similar to how the survivor perk Diversion works.

    This is so that this perk will most likely not be used inside every chase, but still can be used more often throughout the match.

  2. I have kind of a dumb idea for a build but it sounds like it can be fun. It's the Fuck your resources build:
    Franklins demise (survivors lose their items)
    Blood favor (no pallets or windows allowed)
    Fear monger (no auras or dh if you sneak up)
    Last perk either undying to protect blood favor, or gen regression of some kind.

    I imagine this would work best on a stealth killer, so you get more fear monger value like Ghost Face, or a killer that gives you side stuff to do like pinhead or pig

    Yeah I know it might not be the strongest but it seems like it'd be fun to mess with survivors 👍

  3. So i wanted to mention. You basically killed any value some of the perks couldve had. Your add on got rid of your red stain and put it on the survivor. Beast of prey basically is only good for getting rid of your red stain.

  4. Use Beast Of Prey On Ghostface and chase like a bot. Survivors will throw chases to break your power you're not using. You can also get Furtive value on GF with Furtive/Nemesis/Rancor and then it's basically Rancor roulette. For extra fun hook the obsession at end game when everyone knows you have Rancor and watch survivors panic about whether or not to save.

  5. Heres a Build idea for The Doctor, seems great and funny, hopefully it is both.


    "Order" – Carter's Notes & Iridescent King

    "Order" – Carter's Notes for more Illusionary Pallets and a shorter Cooldown for Static Blast & Iridescent King to make even more Illusionary Pallets and to Combo with Plaything.


    Distressing, Hex: Plaything, Hex: Retribution & Brutal Strength

    Distressing for better Static Blast range, Hex: Plaything for Stealth because Iridescent King gives Survivors a Red Stain and makes you have no Red Stain, meaning you are practically Undetectable, Hex: Retribution so they dont want to Cleanse your Totems & Brutal Strength to Kick Pallets.

    Strategy / Alternative Playstyle: None, this build doesn't feature one, for Trapper a Strat / Alt on him is Basement Trapper.

  6. Suggestion for territorial imperative: It gives a noise cue whenever a survivor enters the basement, and shows the auras of all survivors in the basement when more than 32/24/16 meters from it. (Shadow ability, the nurse can't blink into the basement from outside it, stops her from getting a completely free hit on people who went down there)

  7. I use all the perks in this video just not on the same killers
    Teritorial i put on huntress, this allowed me to be able to get the person in basement normally at range when they leave
    I have beast of prey on hag, with their small size the undetectable had a good effect in lots of maps with small object based loops, also due to hags slow speed the chases would drag on when I got tiered of trying to maintain a trap web
    Furtive chase I use on ghost face along side dying light, I can say if it works properly, it confused a few survivors as they went from slower on gens to faster then slower
    And then predator I used on wraith as to not lose those who dash out of sight while I recloke, and formerly on nemisis to keep chase going (I had a build on nemisis specifically set up to keep in chase till down and then get right back in after hook no stoping to find sneakers, or to kick gens, just pure unrelenting chases)


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