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Trust me, I understand wholeheartedly. One of my favorite games of all time is Rainbow Six Siege, and I have over a thousand hours on it. But I will never force myself to play the game after a while, because it's going to be true. You're going to get bored of it, and it's going to get sickening. But there's certain games that give you a break point very early, and that game for me was Apex Legends. I loved it at release. I absolutely did, and I spent a lot of hours on it. But it pissed me off to the core. Lack of balance patches, lack of updates, lack of innovative changes, lack of fixing bugs that were there day fucking one, framerate issues, crashes, and it felt greedy. Collection event after collection event, and not a single patch in sight. It broke me. I couldn't do it anymore. A week ago, my friends begged me to download the game and play with them, and after an hour, I just couldn't. I was pissed the entire time, angry, frustrated, and I literally yelled, I can't do this shit anymore, and deleted it. I was that pissed off. Don't play games that make you mad or suffer, because once you hit that breaking point, the best thing you can do is leave it behind. And that's just a fact.
I recently hit 3k hours, and I have a hard time taking any time more than a week off from it. There's just always something new to learn, something to grind for, and just something to have fun with. It helps that my first 1-2k hours were spent on either survivor or very specific killers, so there's still a lot of freshness to me in that regard, especially with a new release every 3 months
Bought the base game so game hours mean jack @#$%. Got 2 killers unlocked and my hair is already turning grey.
Ngl man, if you do quit the game in a year or two I’ll still be around, I have enjoyed your interesting content since I found you and practically binged your content for 2 days, and even when I sometimes disagree heavily with what you’re saying I still enjoy the video because of the interesting conversation And thoughts you brought up, I even enjoyed your elder scrolls reviews(though I will admit I kind of stopped watching them after the third or second video, not because they were bad videos but because I’m just not interested in the elder scrolls series and I had trouble following what you were talking about with the series) and I personally really liked the Apex video even though I couldn’t care less about Apex. keep up the good work man, I enjoy seeing your videos at the end of my day.
I recently hit 4k hours. I feel like I have periods where Im enjoying DBD and just stop playing DBD all together. Been playing this game since right after spirit came out (almost 6 years at this point), and I feel like there are times where I lose and rediscover the soul of this game. It really boils down to your perspective on the game, and the way I view it is as a silly 4v1 party game, which helps me in most scenarios where I get screwed by RNG or the game just being the game.
Granted, I have noticed that I've been getting a little more tilted when it comes to people bringing map offerings. I don't mind them normally, but when its the same maps over and over and over again, that's when I start to lose my mind (I had a night where I was playing nothing but Badham as Ghostface). Im working on reducing my tilt as much as I can.
Didn't know my hours for so long until someone on ps5 called me a sweat and then told me I had 9800 hours I was like 😮😂😅
When i p100 my demogorgon Wyrmy, and now freddy i asked myself…why anymore from here?
Honestly, wherever you go after DBD I could see myself watching. The only exception being overwatch, but that's purely because the modern version over-stimulates me to no end from 2016-2018 version
Otherwise I'm at 7k hours in DBD, and surprisingly it's only my 3rd most played game. 2nd Place being Warframe (10k-12k hours) and 1st place being Minecraft (??????).
I fully envision DBD taking over 2nd place eventually, and I see myself playing until the servers close down (as of this comment). There's to much to the game for me to just… stop rn. I want to master every killer, perk, item, combo, etc in this game. I want to p100 every character. And now that they're adding the cap to addons (LOVED twitters reaction to my post on that one) I sorta wanna cap out every single characters addon/offering counts.
With all those goals I don't see how I could ever leave this game, not when I can make a huntress guide that's 8 hours long going over every-single-map in the game, or doing it AGAIN for deathslinger when I eventually start learning him, or doing it for every single tile that has a flashlight hole to save at. Even learning blender to make the "Dream series" a reality.
So sufficient to say I'm in for quadruple the hours I'm currently at already, and unless BHVR pulls a Valve with TF2… there's only going to be more stuff to do
(that being said though, I do have the term "Comp" perma muted on twitter as of today lol)
3000 hours here and I play the exact same as I did with 100 so y'know
I have almost 2700 hours on PSN and more on Dbd content in general.
What can i say? I like the game since it was on beta, but nowadays i've found myself enjoying it on a different way as i used to. I don't find every detail as amazing, interesting or shocking like in the past, while i'm finding the killer role more relaxing and engaging without taking too serious the result of a match, an also keeping in mind being a good/challenging opponent.
Whatsoever, idk how i should completely feel about Dbd, after all, everyone has it's own criteria an i guess…sometimes it's just weird to see something you change an evolve while knowing it will be shut down one day.
I think it helps if you adjust your expectations to the situation. The fact that the game has bad hitboxes for both sides hasn't been the case since yesterday. If you keep it in mind, it's easier to accept, and the same goes for everything else.
If you make an adept, it's best to be prepared that it won't work in the first game, especially if you're playing killers.
You wouldn't think you'd be playing soccer with a broken leg, even if the example is extreme. But I hope you understand what I mean.
Here a little example, this match happend 2021 I think:
I still remember well when I once had a match as a huntress. I'm not good with her and I told myself at the beginning of the round that I only wanted to fulfill my archives and daily. That was two hooks and the usual axe hits.
That made me a lot more relaxed during the game.
I also remember well a Zarina I had in the round. She wanted to be hunted, but I concentrated on the tasks I had set myself first.
Once these were completed, I got involved with her. In the end, I had the feeling that the Zarina wanted to help me become a better Huntress. She was waiting for me when I reloaded. It was a really nice round, unfortunately I couldn't write in the chat at the end because I accidentally clicked on the archives.
Zarina, if you're reading this: Thanks for the round and the training! I'm still bad with Huntress!
I've thought about the benefits of making "Dead by Daylight 2" since around the time I started. The engine was never meant to handle as much stuff as DBD currently has so an upgrade would be fantastic. The issue, though, is I don't know what the logistics of making a "new" version of the game would be in terms of licensed content. Smite 2 is coming out (or maybe is already out, I dunno) and all the Smite 1 licensed content won't be carrying over. I'm guessing it's due to licensing reasons having to be renegotiated for what is technically a new game. That said, I can dream.
I only got 17000 hours on dbd only game I play
Currently im sitting at 3.1K hours
honestly if you are a fast learner and watch a shit ton of videos after 500 hours someone could learn everything . Not saying i could im so bad at this game
Us with 7,000+ hrs: We show no tilt much because we dead already 💀
"I don't listen to advice I didn't ask for" / something that took me some time to learn in the corporate world, but has served me well keeping in mind, is that "all unsolicited advice is criticism"
I have about 100 hours on record. This isnt accurate. Ive had multiple accounts that I only recently linked. So everyone thinks im not able to form an opinion or discuss things about this game. In total I have probably about 700-1000 hours.
Hours do NOT mean skill, thats for sure. I am a Sadako main currently, and the amount I know about the game with Wesker, Blight, and even Sadako invis techs its ridiculous. Not even only techs, but I know all effects of perks (Other than PTB bc ima be honest I dont play PTBs)
As a DBD PlayStation player with a little over 5k hours, I have been playing DBD for nearly 6 years and I have had breaks here and there but it's hard to let this game go for me cuz i started watching videos of this game back in early Mid of 2017 and I look at this game and it seemed really good and i got the game when i first got my PS4 for Christmas back in 2018 and i didn't get super deep into this game cuz i was I playing Friday the 13th at that time also, but I started to get really invested into this game right around when Stranger things came out and I just continued to play and get better as survivor and killer to the point that now I'm p100 with my Deathslinger, but I still enjoy this game but idk if I will leave this game until DBD officially stops making content or releasing patches.
I have about 2.1K hours and after P100 Steve and P100 Vecna ive definitely lost a spark I used to have but i still enjoy the game