Ghostface's Buff Didn't Do Much… | Dead By Daylight Update Patch Notes 5.7.0

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Today, we are sitting down to discuss Ghostface and his 5.7.0 buff that I don’t think really addresses many of the core issues that people had with playing as him. While the add-on rework is great…that is about it.


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My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

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22 thoughts on “Ghostface's Buff Didn't Do Much… | Dead By Daylight Update Patch Notes 5.7.0”

  1. Don't forget that ghostface can mark groups of survivors all at once. if several survivors in end game are working on a single gen they all get marked or at least two of them. Don't know if that still works on the ptb though

  2. Next Wednesday is when live comes out

    For the buffs I think some cool buffs would be like a longer lunge when a survivor is marked and his pallet breaking is base 20-30% and a stat buff when he’s revealed or something

  3. I play Ghostface as a killer that 99% everyone as I can. I think if I can do it he's really strong. I think of this as injurying a survival with out him be able to do anything about it. He cant get rid of it and can't dh. And when the time is right I expose him and get him to the ground. But when the team is "agressive" towards you as a ghost face your ability becomes obselite. They can just follow you and you become the stalked one by the best guy in enemy team. That guy knows how to loop M1 killers, knows how your ability works and will bully you and make you play as M1 killer and you have no way of stoping it.

  4. I really don't get your point on this video, almost every killer that is an m1 killer would chew through all pallets that's just how the game works, i also like the concept of a mark survivor can't reveal you so making ur 1v1 much easier considering that the person trying to protect the marked survivor can still be also marked easily, so they did acknowledge on how ghostface wouldn't be much of a threat if just 2 survivors grouped up, i personally like them grouping up even if im playing ghostface, i have 0 map pressure, 0 fast mobility to get across the map, and i basically have to rely on a 3 gen, we just have to accept that ghostface isn't going to be a top tier killer even if he gets buff to oblivion or get a teleportation feature, as we can see even with teleportation feature as the onryo she is still low tier and she will stay that way because she is an m1 killer that just how it goes.

  5. I think if you 99 survivors efficiently and make it to where survivors have to go for uncomfortable saves I think Ghostface gets stronger as the match goes on as it becomes a scramble to complete gens without being grabbed from a gen or just insta downed without seeing him. I feel he was really good before and didn't need a buff but damn they botched him in the ptb.

  6. To be honest, I am fine with the new buffs, I agree that his base kit buffs were not that great, but I loved all the new addons buffs and thats where the rework really shines in my opinion, from very trash and boring addons to really good and interesting ones

  7. I main Michael and he ain't getting any buffs anytime soon so let's just say Ghostface being stronger is good for people who do main him. I would love myers to get even the slightest buff

  8. Hey! Nice vid man. I can understand why these "buffs" aren't just enough for him, but if anything, it just takes great skill to bring out ghosty's potential. There's always 99ing a group of survivors or just one and just 99ing them is already pretty scary since you could just come back and then 1 shot them. Although, I do agree that Ghost face does struggle with mid to end game since survivors tend to plan ahead and stick with each other more often which can be struggling for my boy ghosty. Loved that idea when you said when a gen pops, his radius to reveal him decreases each time. I think if the devs could add one more buff similar to that or anything that buffs him in the mid and late games, I think that would make ghost face a lot more viable. These "buffs" just make him better during early game like you said, but yeah great vid man. Keep up the good work!

  9. Yeah but as time goes on there is less pallets and more opportunities for marked downs since he gets better recovery times with his stalk after breaking an object. He also gets a speed boost using certain add ons.

    I feel it's great. How does him being able to mark a survivor quicker and him being faster after a stalk make his buff weak or him weaker late game?

  10. The buff they give to legion which is chain hit into insta down would lead to people splitting up on gens a lot more often then they do which would hurt you a lot as legion . and 90% of time it's impossible to get the 5 hit and all 4 survivors injure in one frenzy . BHVR buff killers based on how new survivors would feel about it and they are so scare to make big change to killers

  11. also, jason can't teleport. he never could, and he probably will because it'll make money. it's a simple myers case where they're super sluggish on camera, but the moment you take you're eyes on him he just starts running.


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