GIVE TOXIC, GET TOXIC, AGAIN?! – Dead by Daylight!

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playing billy at max mmr on dead by daylight

#dbd #deadbydaylight #billy #mmr #tru3 #tru3ta1ent #toxic


31 thoughts on “GIVE TOXIC, GET TOXIC, AGAIN?! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Been playing nurse and have not been running into toxic flash light clickers yet. But most ppl don't click at a nurse because we can just teleport through anything but ik how annoying it is when not playing a strong killer.

  2. Toxic flashers follow killers most match, others just use it to save friends or randoms from being chased because killers like to chase flashers, true was being toxic to a regular flasher, you would think he would know the difference but I guess he needs new content.

  3. I click my flashlight loads but not with macro, either to get team mates attention or make the killer come after me so my teammates can do gens. i wouldnt consider myself toxic if so someone tell me i never really play killer so i wouldnt understand

  4. Tru3ta1ent camps and tunnels a survivor

    SURVIVORS: oh my gosh trash baby killer have to tunnel and camp to get a kill git gud scrub

    KILLERS: Welcome to the dark side my friend we’ve been waiting for you


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