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#dbd #groovy
After playing Evil Dead The Game for a long time, I went back to Dead by Daylight and things felt a little different.
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Outro Song: FALLING APART by Jacob Lizotte
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In dbd you run from monsters and fix generators
In evil dead the game you rip the living shit out of demons and throw one liners like a badass
I wonder wich game is better…
Wow Dead by daylight sucks
I love Dead By Daylight and Evil Dead The Game. Both games are still so much fun. The problem is that Ash isn’t the right character for DBD, because he can handle himself in a fight against super natural villains. DBD is all about outsmarting and escaping them. A concept that neuters Ash of what makes him unique. Same goes with Leon & Jill from Resident Evil. DBD is more meant for characters like Laurie Strode from Halloween or Ripley from Alien, or the kids from Stranger Things.
However, I still love Dead By Daylight, and even though he gets a lot of hate in DBD, I still main Ash. I’m just happy we have a proper game where we can play as him the way he was meant to be played.
nooooo dbd looks soooo boring
1:19 dead 💀
Dbd is a snoozefest compared to Evil Dead.
Wow, amazing ♡ I hope Evil Dead will be in Steam soon! I love DBD but the campers and hackers are ruining the game and damn is so boring, Evil Dead is much better!
I know camping and tunneling are strategies for killers, but that's the best part about Evil Dead you don't have to deal with that shit. As Killer and survivor you actually gotta do something not just stand by the hook or hold m1 and do gens.
To me they are 2 different games, one is about sneaking, hiding and escaping and the other is about confronting your enemy. It is way more scary to not be able to kill your attack but to have to run and hide and survive. I enjoy dbd and I hope people that like it are enjoying evil dead…it's just not for me 🤷♂️
I honestly hope evil dead blows up just so dbd has to actually step it up and make their game better.
It's much than getting bullied and looking at a bar fill up all day 😪
Ash mains 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
Lol I loved the part where it was running 3 fps while looping
Brutal honesty ; I love it.
EDTG is my favorite asymmetrical horror survival at the moment. Game is so much fun. Can't wait for new content and future plans to be released.
Here's hoping the game isn't dead after the Epic games store exclusive runs out next year.
Okay this is good
Evil dead will die in a month lol
Absolutely love asymmetrical games cant wait for the texas chain saw massacre game either gonna be a good year
Evil dead is most definitely the superior of the 2. It’s more balanced, has more to do, gives you an actual way to fight back, and has a lot more in terms of diversity in terms of how you go about your tasks.
DBD is slowly dying.
Before I watch. Let me guess. Super Duper boring
Impressive how lucky BHVR got with DBD and how popular it got.
I really hope they keep evil dead going for years its literally my favourite game I can't stand dbd
I honestly can't come back to dbd, it's a shame because that was the game my gf and I would play alot but the toxic community, tunneling, camping and randoms who don't help and the devs is what killed it for me. Evil dead is literally the best horror multiplayer game I've ever played. The devs care about their fans and I can play the game and lose and not be frustrated about it unlike dbd.
2:12 the power of solo que
This video really encompasses that from the devs of Evil Dead talking about the game. 🤣 The stark contrast is hilarious to watch it back and forth.
This game (Evil Dead: The Game) has "opened the eyes; seen the light" of people that this genre can be EVEN BETTER and more innovation then just running around in a circle and doing the same exact ONE objective for 6 years.
I feel this game is the start of the "rise of the assymetricals" with more to come in the future and beyond! There's plenty to choose from in the genre from Battle Royale for example, well now there seems to be even more coming to the asymmetrical genre that are BADASS!
When you have something to compare to, like you (Grave) did in your video, there is no agruement to have. Mhm.
Dbd players can look at this and still call it boring, and repetitive, only to go back to the real crap game (dbd) to doing nothing but fixing 4 gens and opening an exit.
summed up beautifully
No games can't kill dbd,only DbD by himself can suicide
Hmmm… Ash vs Pyramid Head. It could be an interesting crossover, but I think Cenobite is more appropriate, since they're demons to some.
I uninstalled DBD and played ED nonstop since the day it launched
DBD is now an acronym for DEAD BY DAWN!
I'll take a boomstick over a flashlight anyday
Somehow old ash looks better in dbd than in the evil dead game
This is comedy gold hahaha. I love the transitions between epic fight scenes and then…. DBD. Behavior, you seeing this?? Step it up.
I don't see Cheryl Mason. Definitely not superior
dead by daylight has always been soo bad , evil dead is so much better an makes that genre of 4 v 1 good for the first time ever
im so glad it shits on dbd an basically a fuck you to those developers and players showing them how to make a good game with that genre an not a boring hot pile of garbage dbd has always been since its launched hahahahah
I would just not compare either of them. Sure they're both asymmetrical games but they have almost nothing in common gameplay-wise.
I don't think there even need to be a competition here. Both are great games.
Now there are people who nonetheless choose to make a comparison, but that's a bit too soon considering the game was released a few days ago and we still have to see how it evolves.
I think both games are terrible. DBD you mostly get rekked by killer vs Evil Desd is too repetitive
Well… Mikaela is hot. Ok, ok. DBD is shit.
You can clearly see which one is more engaging of the two.