GOOD JOB GHOSTIE BOY! – Dead by Daylight!

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28 thoughts on “GOOD JOB GHOSTIE BOY! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I lost count how many times I tried to lead Tru3 to a couple pro GF channels to grab some stalking ideas!
    (King Ping YT channel on insane stalking spots and highhh level play, Jaee YT channel on stalking injured survivors for later and much more) 

    I would even say for myself, my GF mimics Tru3's mostly, but I still use stalking a lot, and successfully. 
    (My own YT channel for ideas; I really recommend PWYF for the exact reason of building PWYF token(s) in stalks, and then using them in winning exposed chases. Other 3 perks could literally be at your taste too.)

    In your example this video of why stalking sucks, you are missing a couple GF tactics that could have improved that chase.

    1) You could have waited to start the exposed until you were right on top of her, even if it had to be at a different time in a different spot. A big thing about GF is starting the exposed when you surprise them. So think about it like this.
    – You wasted surprising her by not injuring her, but 99'ed her for later.
    – You wasted surprising her by injuring her, but risk her healing up.
    – Next time you surprise her with zero Terror Radius, do you want to hope that she will still be injured (in this hot mess of fast healing or dead hards)? Or have the 100% chance to down her with a "tap to expose" anytime (with no dead hards)?

    2) You could have also bait-stalked, which is letting her go as exposed, and stalking/injuring someone else who would have not been looking around (because they assume the exposed one is in trouble). This could even be the exposed one again too, once in a while.

  2. Stalk is not good but their are situations where I can see no reason not to attempt it. Namely when a hit is likely assured anyway. Example, corner of a map where you've already cleared out the immediate palettes and a survivor is working on a gen. Wounding a survivor in this situation would give them a speed boost to get to something while a stalk would down them. Even if the stalk fails they aren't likely to escape without getting wounded so there is no reason not to try.

    All that said Tru played great and I saw no reason to stalk in this particular game (Lery's would not be conducive to it with it's billion windows.)

  3. I love ghostie hes one of my favourite killers but he's so underpowered especially against a strong team, then stretched res being able to cuck him out of his power too is just painful

  4. The stalk is rare in its usefulness. I don't get why someone is complaining about how Tru3 is playing ghostie. The devs want you to stalk get 2 exposed hooks then lose. But if a survivor is exposed they're going to play very safe and drop all the pallets and time runs out. At least he wasn't facecamping all game.

  5. Movement is key if you want to get value out of stalking. If you play like you normally do with other killers, it won't work. Gotta be sneakeh and hard to predict with your movement. Also gotta 99 and stuff. Can't just bumrush into a stalk play unfortunately

  6. I wanted to comment on the rebrand you mentioned about halfway through. I think you should go for it! Going with "TrU3" Instead of "TrU3Ta1ent" seems way cooler in my opinion and I'm sure so many more people would agree! But, of course, your decision is final haha

  7. I think there should be an add-on or two that reinforces this playstyle, a brown that makes it harder to reveal you and cripples the stalk rate and a red that makes it so you don't lose stealth when attacking but can't stalk (you can still get revealed, perhaps at a faster rate and you'd run the brown to mitigate that? ) and you can comfortably run either or both

  8. Mind Breaker is a lot better than most people give it credit. Yes I do think it needs a slight buff but other than that its a decent perk. When finding survivors on a gen it forces the survivor to not run for a bit of time before the exhaustion effect wears off from Mind Breaker. If they do not. They wont have the exhaustion perks they are used to having when running from a gen.. And wont till they managed to not run/stay still for a little bit of time… Something that is not quite that easy to do when being chased starting at the gen.

  9. For real, how did you get them all? I just tried 3 times in a row with his own 3 perks and always just got one cause the gens were flying – no chance to get even 2 of them. Think they should nerf him still a bit more … I only used his main perks to achieve the trophy 🏆 but for real, there’s no chance in getting it atm and and that’s annoying and … unfair?


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