HACKERS And SWEATS Are EVERYWHERE!! | Dead by Daylight

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33 thoughts on “HACKERS And SWEATS Are EVERYWHERE!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. And there is way more hackers then ppl may think since the majority of them will not do dumb obvious shit like flying around but just subtle changes that makes it possible to be true but still lets you wondering. Love To See Daddy Trapper in action ❀

  2. Had a Meg hacker last night I whiped out her team used by ultimate as doc she screams from inside a building it takes me no more than a 5 seconds to get there next thing I know I get a loud noises notification from the other side of the map and she escapes, worst part she had an anonymous team mate who’s name was yoichi but he was playing as Steven

  3. Just wiped a swf I’m running as doc surge,franklins demise,hex plaything and scourge hook pain res mmm I took out this swf 3 of em where friendly last guy got so salty he told me I’m a tunneling loser despite the fact he rushed the hook right in front of me

  4. I do miss the facecam but I understand why you wouldn't use it. Hopefully you can find a way to still have the cam without it being annoying to you. A lot of your expressions are fun and we all appreciate when you flex your muscles so I hope you will find a way to fix it if there is one πŸ’ͺ❀

  5. the fact that the cheater brought head on, hyperfocus and mft to make it seem like it was legit if she was a little bit too fast or if gens were getting done a little bit to quick is disgusting.

  6. I'm getting really interested in dbd comp scene recently and this could be nice to see you in a comp setting I think you would do great and op perks won't be allowed so only skill will matter. Perhaps if you find a good team of NA surv in your subs you could play against them with comp rules. Idk just throwing off video ideas in case you like them ❀πŸ’ͺ

  7. Dont feel bad played hacker few days ago watch fang die on hook and she returned 15 seca later why trying get 4k they try make look like on 2nd hook but she went to 2nd and i tunnel her and she died to return and die again i reported all them last 2 months seen 3 hacking killers and over 8 hacking swf useing speed hacks wall hacks and useing perks that didnt bring

  8. One of killers was a twitch streamer with trapper instant downing and trap injureing it disarm but didnt bring iri or honeing stone they were live too told them they fucked up u didnt have ads on u cheating fuck

  9. For examaple base bt is 6 sec so after hook if wait it out and there dead but if u hit them after 6 secs and dont got bt or perk dead hard there a cheater.always check endgame and know perk most cheaters wont know what they do lmao like hooks it take 60 a gen for 1 and 45 sec for 2 and 35 for 3 and 25 to 30 for 4 people so on average a hook state os 60 ses and 90 if have resurance so that 2 gens a hook. if one of them on hook and other one for save .so if have 2 people left and the 1 did 3 gens in. Under 40 secs farest locations apart why downing last 2nd swf in under 30 secs you know there a cheating because it not poasable

  10. As a survivor main i can say without a doubt it’s a skill issue anyone that hacks is trash. I’ll be real with you I’ve never seen a survivor hacker in my lobby or even the brief times I’ve played killer. However I’ve seen a lot of killer hackers especially recently and their is just nothing you can do. Yesterday it was a billy and the moment we spawned into a match on farm he flickered at everyone at once and downed and hooked all of us talk about bs.


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