Hackers still exist in Dead by Daylight

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Hackers are still a big problem in Dead by Daylight and recently I have been running into a lot of hackers since the 7.6.2 update. #dbd


12 thoughts on “Hackers still exist in Dead by Daylight”

  1. unfortunately due to how the game works with aura reading and haste perks and addons, it makes cheating in this game incredibly easy because it's not server sided. you send that information to the official dbd server and then it happens, so cheating in this game is basically creating a mid connection that modifies the information your pc sends to the game server.

    we all probably run into subtle cheaters WAY MORE than what we think because of this and it feels terrible, and i think it would be very hard for bhvr to change this because of the spaghetti code of dbd


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