HAG VS A COMP TEAM? – Dead by Daylight!

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21 thoughts on “HAG VS A COMP TEAM? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–i got Gift Cards from 💜 CARDGEN.UNO/?NEW 💜

  2. OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–i got Gift Cards from 💜 CARDGEN.UNO/?NEW 💜

  3. What do you do against retards like those swf trio that picks the map, has perfect coordination and uses npc brain dead builds that caries them, while high teer killer like Hag on a good map for her straggeling to even get 2k?

  4. How on earth does he think the biggets dbd map is good for hag. Its fucking horrendos for hag. True plays a bad build with Pop (quite usless on hag) and doesnt really do a good job playing with hag either. He plays hag same way he plays other killlers and thats why he fails.

    He also mashes teleport with no really thinking on when its actually a good time to teleport and when its not.

    I hate to see hag being played so poorly.

  5. I hope I am not the only one who see's a "Team Name" and just rolls my eyes / cringes. I'm sorry but if you "compete" in dead by daylight I don't gain respect for you lol, I usually lose it.


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