Haunted by Daylight 2023 Pretty Massively Favors Survivor – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Not a huge deal as you can mostly ignore it and its a limited time event but might as well talk about it.


34 thoughts on “Haunted by Daylight 2023 Pretty Massively Favors Survivor – Dead by Daylight”

  1. People honestly care too much about winning in DBD. You can easily farm 100k+ bloodpoints a game as a killer with this event with minimal effort but people would rather worry about their kill count and "losing the game."

  2. I mean last year killers got insta downs for doing nothing and survivors got useless pallets(unless SWF with UB/Flip-Flop/PS build). Halloween events typically just suck for survivors anyway and trying to get the masks are beyond obnoxious. A fun event for survivors once every couple years is not a big deal.

  3. Survivors: do gens for endurance
    Killers: Get hooks, donโ€™t get stunned, donโ€™t let them steal all the ghosts, donโ€™t lose the game for being in the void, fight for ghosts with no power vs a god window in void, get a small haste after 5 gens. T_T

  4. First point at 2:00 I have to say this sounds like you'd be a bit confused. If ALL four survivors do the same thing, you're still equalling out to be the same time. This is not a detriment of time to the killer since both sides take the same amount of time and each of the four survivors are doing the same thing. The only time an equal time is a detriment to the killer is if ONE survivor takes the same amount of time as the killer, but in this case ALL four survivors are doing it, meaning OVERALL it takes survivors 4 times as long as the killer, because there are 4 survivors, meaning the 4 to 1 time detriment does not exist and it equals out to be the same amount of time. Sure they're doing it all at different times but I can guarantee you no survivor team is spacing out their time in the void perfectly to where there is always someone on a gen. The only way this is a detriment to the killer is again, if there are people that aren't interacting with the event at all, so this is an incorrect assessment.

  5. Lol survivor sided ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญyou get oblivious and exhausted in the void also can't heal and it wastes so much time doing this .Yall just used to spawning in and hooking people as your objective for event.Survivor has to throw to get the event stuff done.Always been this way.Welcome to the event.Its not a tourney who cares if you cant 4k or escape its and event.Sweat isnt necessary 24/7 365 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. as someone who has been left to die on first hook at 5 gens every game i played as survivor during this event, i have to say killer has it massively easier and youre talking shit

  7. Hey Scott, you are forgetting one crucial thing: the Void is a *death trap* for survivor if they are caught there. There is almost nothing for them to loop, and if a survivor tries to leave through a portal, it takes so long that the killer can easily hit them and interrupt them.

    Basically, unless the Void is about to close, a killer finding a survivor there guarantees a down.

    Injured survivors also show up as broken if they enter the Void, so you just watch the UI and immediately enter a portal if they become broken.

    Sure, healthy survivors can still enter the void, but then it becomes a waste of time for them since they won't benefit from the endurance effect.

  8. Can someone let scott know this is an event … not a try hardathon ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… bro is really getting mad over an event…… try the harcore killer challenge ….. see if your good at killer or just a novice

  9. I will agree. At least with twisted masquerade both sides had pretty busted abilities. But this event survivors are just endurance endurance endurance and speedโ€ฆ and killers by the time you released their ghosts somehow two gens are goneโ€ฆ. Iโ€™m being punished for doing what the event wants?

  10. On both sides I'm seeing insane levels of sweat this event. I don't see either opposing side ever going into the void. I'm regularly seeing survivors escaping with 30k bp or Killers 4K with like 50k. It seems like people are doing generators even faster and killers are tunneling even more or bringing the sweatiest and most unfun shit. I've already seen half a dozen knights and 2 condemned sadakos.

    I think the thing about this event. Is that it doesn't particularly favor one side. People just aren't playing the event objectives and instead just sweating it out for the win. So when you play killer and go into the void, the survivors aren't doing it. And when you play Survivor the killer isn't doing it. Doing the event objectives is just throwing

  11. Is anyone else also getting a huge increase in massively sweaty players since the event started? I feel like the game itself is just not fun at all despite the event being a neat addition.


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