Haunted By Daylight Is Meh | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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24 thoughts on “Haunted By Daylight Is Meh | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. Yo, Kaiser, I am playing all this event stuff and first, I think the rest of the event currency will come from the second half of the tome, second, my one issue with it is like the entity is falling apart, the void isn’t really supposed to be accessible tbh, and it’s especially hard to leave it, so what exactly is going on?

  2. Lol you can tell this video is made out of order because Kaiser ranted about the shattered borgo and how they hated the color red, but now they prefers red hook auras 😂

    Jokes aside, yeah it’s a relatively barebones event. But idk, I don’t remember Halloween 2021 being all that eventful either (didn’t play 2022). At least this one has a whole new area to navigate if you wanted to. What I wish was that the haunts roamed the map. they’re all just static traps that you don’t even realize are there until you set them off. I like the event for the aesthetic, and sometimes running chases in the void is fun, but otherwise it’s just kinda alright.

  3. Gonna be honest other then the massive amount of bp these events give, they are for the most part just a bunch of nothing burgers, other then the winter event in December of 22 where you where able to be snowman and mess around with them both as survivor and killer. The other events really don’t bring anything fun or interesting to the table as far as I remember.

  4. I would probably profit more off the event in terms of BPs if my games were more fun. But so far the quality of my games have been atrocious, so I stop playing after 3 rounds or so everytime I try. I have also faced blatant cheaters for the first time in almost an entire year.

    So, in survivor games I leave with 40k max, killer games with 70k max, and with nearly zero fun.

  5. For me the event is meh for only 1 reason, why would I use it? It takes too much time to interact with it for a tiny reward maybe, it needed a stronger effect or take waaaaay less time to set up for that bonus

  6. The bloodpoint payout is strong with this one. Especially when using the "feature" of combining the Rods with Party Streamers f.e.
    The Void is getting more abused than a coffee machine in an office. As if playing Killer wasn't stressful enough (at least for me) now i have to keep track of where survivors go even more. I know the tiles by now but i don't know where the portals spawn which i have to keep in mind when chasing because the survivors are just hiding in there and by the time i'm in there aswell and found them they have endurance. God i hate endurance by now, soul guard had the best/ most fair endurance requirement but anyways.. SoloQ got worse (who would have thought) because they throw the game just for the bloodpoints. Do this as a killer and you throw the game aswell if you're not already winning it (like 5 gens left and 1 surv killed)
    Due to the bp payout i guess there're more Swf's around at least in my experience. I don't mean the type of swf who are just playing casually. I played Xeno for the first time and i got full 4 swf just teasing me, finishing my match with 4 hooks. I'm know, a part of it is just skill issue but another part is playing killer against a sweaty 4 man team is just pain if you're still touching some grass. And if all of this wasn't bad enough a good part of games i had were just interrupted because the servers crashed or something. Imagine having a match, almost done just to get kicked out without earning anything. All you had done is literally wasting your time for at least 10 minutes per match.

    I don't know if it's due to the event patch or if it was a thing before but i used clairvoyance in one match (switching up my perks) and after 5 minutes or so into the game i realise the perk is infinitly active. After i got killed i spectated and saw a self caring claudette (god i hate soloQ) and her bar (progress bar of healing) wasn't even moving. It's just frustrating

    Kinda off topic: Is it just me or is Xeno quite bad?

  7. might be a bold statement to make but this event for me was the straw that broke the camels back… i just gave up with the game and haven’t touched it since the events first full day of being live. i didn’t enjoy the event really and i just think these past few months i’ve been really burnt out with the game, hoping some meaningful and fun changes happen but not really the case. probably won’t be my last time playing the game, but certainly won’t be playing it as much as i used to

  8. I think the event is so fun for people not sick of the game. (Those being people watching Dbd videos). For anyone thinking it’s going to make it fun again for them then ya be disappointed

  9. One thing i want to see is a killer power built around the void. Their ablity is to place haunts and pumpkins they can use to buff or debuff, and a charge meter like night fall that, when filled, forcesa everyone into the void for a set time, much like your idea honestly.


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