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tl;dr Undying is duplicating totems, not replacing them.
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
tl;dr Undying is duplicating totems, not replacing them.
I would have never expected another video today after that super long high effort one you released earlier.
So that's the secret buff they meant when they out Lara with a lit totem on the cover of this chapter.
don’t let the tremendous amount of bugs in dbd right now distract you from the fact that Scott hasn’t made a sequel to Through the Portal yet
Undying, Face the Darkness, Devour and Thrill of the hunt…HMMMMMMMM
Do they have quality assurance? Do they have people who play the updates before they just ship it? Holy shit
Every time we post about major bugs like this, people really do think it's a "gotcha" to say they're gonna abuse it on purpose, when in reality it gets fixed so much faster that way. Genuinely don't understand the mindset.
Big brain move is to play a Shaman build without undying. Everyone will assume you have it and ignore your totems.
Honestly the only way this gets fixed is to exploit the shit out of it
theres more bugs they keep coming they keep coming
i imagine devour has some good stacking capability with this
all these bugs and yet the set glitch is still gone truly the only thing that needs to break again
fat shames are back aswell!
I genuinely think that the double gen pop bug is way more game braking, I lost quite a few games to that today and survivors dare to tbag and say gg after winning because of a bug
every other day since this patch, a new game breaking bug is discovered. shameful honestly
So that's why people are using ruin for once 💀
I'm now gonna run Undying and Thrill just to make the Boon achievement harder for survivors.
pentimento also for the last month has just had 3 or 4 totems be destroyed when they're cleansed. can not re light them at all. you maybe get 1 or 2 tokens all game
Dude, I run almost exclusively shaman builds. Thanks for the heads up, I'll just play survivor for a bit.
spaghetti code lmao
That explains why it took so long for survivors to cleanse my totem when I was playing as Trapper the other day. I brought Ruin, Undying, Thrill, and Penti and got Haddonfield. Totem spawns were horribly obvious and the totems lasted longer than I expected. I just thought the survivors were really that oblivious lol
Wesker also has a REALLY annoying bug thats seen its THIRD appearance so far, the thrown animation bug was kinda funny at first but then i started to realize how difficult it was to properly predict a survs hitbox its infuriating
Damn I knew there was something wrong when I was ruining that perk. Gotta get a new build now.
Man I love running hex perk builds so this is pretty rough. But hey good on you for documenting it I would of never noticed my totems being doubled
Bugz simulator.
That would explain why i experienced Haunting Ground 3 times in a single match
So, old undying is back?
When will we hold them accountable for how often they constantly mess up and disappoint?
There's been a bug with Thrill and Pentimento that's absolutely broken. If someone cleanses the non Thrill totem, any pentimento totems add additional stacks to the Thrill totem. I had Behavior tell me that it was intentional, but it should not stack with additional cleansing speed. More than 5 stacks is insane.
This is like asking the swift slashers “please don’t use swift slash in pvp” it broken and unfair. Bro I bet there are a ton of streamers abusing the actual Fk out of this atm
Scott leaves for 30 days and chaos breaks out. Hopefully order will be restored now that Scott is back.
Scott to the DBD community, “don’t abuse it.” lol lmfao
"dont be a shitter" Scott says to a community full of shitters
And then the killer runs Pentimento so you gotta boon it instead
Nah imma use it since survivors wanna continue to run nothing but meta
Welp, time to make ppl more aware of this… problem 👀
basically to make sure the devs actually make their game fireproof we have to burn it to the ground
Don't worry it's a killer thing , they will fix it in no time. It's not like survivors bug that they let survivors have fun for weeks or even months!
Have you seen the wesker glitch it’s so annoying to tell where the survivors hit boxes are
I imagine this with pentimento would be BiS tbh
did this dude not even mention the double gen pop bug
Man all these bugs at once are crazy! I only know anything about the game because I follow you so yeah, it really feels like coming back to a collapsed, burning house
These kinds of bugs are the ones that make me go "what the hell did they even touch to make this break?"
the tool box are bug if you dont let the gen is infinite
They broke the whole game with this update and the update came with 0 gameplay changes. How is that possible?
its like a hunt for bugs
couldn’t this work with penti and give you 60% off gens
In case you wanted to see Demo continuously nod its head, here you go 1:34
I think gens popping magically for free is a much bigger issue. This whole update is hella bugged.