Hex: Undying is Super Bugged, Needs Fix Immediately – Dead by Daylight

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tl;dr Undying is duplicating totems, not replacing them.


50 thoughts on “Hex: Undying is Super Bugged, Needs Fix Immediately – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Every time we post about major bugs like this, people really do think it's a "gotcha" to say they're gonna abuse it on purpose, when in reality it gets fixed so much faster that way. Genuinely don't understand the mindset.

  2. That explains why it took so long for survivors to cleanse my totem when I was playing as Trapper the other day. I brought Ruin, Undying, Thrill, and Penti and got Haddonfield. Totem spawns were horribly obvious and the totems lasted longer than I expected. I just thought the survivors were really that oblivious lol

  3. Wesker also has a REALLY annoying bug thats seen its THIRD appearance so far, the thrown animation bug was kinda funny at first but then i started to realize how difficult it was to properly predict a survs hitbox its infuriating

  4. There's been a bug with Thrill and Pentimento that's absolutely broken. If someone cleanses the non Thrill totem, any pentimento totems add additional stacks to the Thrill totem. I had Behavior tell me that it was intentional, but it should not stack with additional cleansing speed. More than 5 stacks is insane.

  5. This is like asking the swift slashers “please don’t use swift slash in pvp” it broken and unfair. Bro I bet there are a ton of streamers abusing the actual Fk out of this atm


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