How Good is the New Video Tape Addon for Pig? | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Trying out the “new” addon for pig (this was changed like a few months back, but i’m lazy and slow) called video tape. This addon used to be a yellow rarity, but was changed to an ultra rare and now makes it so all survivors start with reverse bear traps equipped.

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here​​​

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39 thoughts on “How Good is the New Video Tape Addon for Pig? | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. Whenever I use this addon on pig the survivors remove traps within 30 seconds of the match. So I prefer the combination of addons that increase the time to search the jiggsaw boxes, on large maps this makes it very difficult for survivors to remove traps, especially if you focus chases on people with active traps.

  2. omg it was Tofu after all! I was the trash Nancy in the Badham game 😊 Now I finally know what was happening between him and Jill all game lol. Unfortunately I had to do all 4 boxes to get my trap off. Also the reason I didn't pick up the Feng is because they were holding shift when I went to pick them up so I was like ok whatever, guess I'll just do a gen. Funny you said my name though lol. GG Tofu, cool experience 😊
    Funnily enough I played against Ralph the other night as well. You guys do such a great job commentating the tournaments. Looking forward to more!

  3. is it just me or what, but since the saw chapter thingy they did, the auto aim has been bonkers doing weird shit, someone went to spin me the other day and auto aim spun me right round baby, jokes aside it jerked my cam from left to right super fast and still missed because i tried to move my mouse like im use to doing.

  4. I love having the survivors start with the beartraps on their heads for exactly the early game pressure Tofu described. Nobody wants to empower the killer by turning the trap on themselves. They don't mind turning someone else's trap on though. But popping gens just ain't happening until that trap is off their heads. Basically the unlucky schmucks you chase off the boxes and injure and hook are the only ones who might wind up with an active trap. I had the same thoughts about complimentary addons hiding the boxes or seeing the aura of the gen being worked on by a trapped survivor, but if you hate Dead Hard, the exhaustion one is great, at least while the trap is on. But I don't worry about another trap addon. Put something else to buff your dash or your movement speed while crouched that you'll still get use from once all the traps are off. Which will happen pretty early. Great video Tofu, you showcased the addon beautifully. Also your build is nasty.

  5. The Jill in the first game is why I think Boons aren't in a good spot right now. You can literally just keep booning the same totem over and over and the killer will feel forced to chase you. Otherwise the rest of the team gets to heal for free. And that was just with one survivor having it.

  6. I ran into this on lerys and it was brutal. I didn't even know that it was an addon and it took forever to find the boxes without auras. The killer had like a solid 4 minutes before the first gen got finished

  7. I spawned into a game the other day with my girlfriend on RPD, with the bear trap on my head, with Rule Set no. 2. I personally love RPD as survivor (obviously, op loops) but my relatively newish gf hates the map. When I explained to her the add ons she just goes “can we dc?” Something I’ve never heard her say. I was like yeeeeup were out 😂 Stayed to watch the game and the pig downed the first girl and face camped her until the other guy came up and gave up and was immediately hooked. That game would have been toxic, glad we left

  8. Personally don’t think this addon is very good since your pressure is all at the start of the game, and no sane person would do a gen at the start with a trap. So it is limited. Also after the start you have no hats left so you don’t have that pressure. If the addon gave you hats on top of your base 4 though, that would be very very strong.

  9. This video was very entertaining. I did just watched it before bedtime to helped me out to fall sleep and it was at the same time, super intense, in the good way. The sarcastic jokes and your DH frustration makes the video 2x more funny.

  10. The tape is godlike if you're a hacker. I've had several who have me start with a trap, vote for a map presumably because they're thinking of subtly cheating by making it look like they're just lucky at finding what boxes I was on, I use sacrificial wards because I'm solo and hate map offerings, so they instantly finish all 5 gens and explode my face.

    It's the best add-on in the game then.

  11. As a survivor what I have noticed is that if we start the trial with the reverse bear traps on our heads we need to get them off as quick as possible because the first person to get their bear trap off (which is almost always in the first couple of minutes of the game) is added pressure because they’re going to jump on a gen and the minute they jump on a gen you have the 86 seconds or whatever to get your hat off before you’re now on a countdown.

    Which then creates the scenario of if you’re in a chase you now need to get out of the chase heal up and run to a predictable location that the killer is going to be patrolling or run to that same location without healing up and be a one shot down.

    If you don’t take the bear traps off any prioritize Jens 99 in them is dangerous because the minute the person with the bear traps off or the more people with bear traps off the higher the chance of those 99 Jen‘s are going to start popping, which is mental added pressure. For me, I will either 50% or 75% a generator but I will never 99 one because I have watched twice entire good teams be killed by reverse bear traps because somebody popped a generator and the pig just patrolled the boxes.

    Match 1 : two died to the reverse bear traps, one took a lot of hooks in the beginning and couldn’t get healed so he died without a bear trap, and last survivor lost hatch because pig went straight to it, then had to 1v1 and lost.

    Match 2: One guy got his bear trap off immediately and start working on generators and then ironically was the last survivor who lost a 1v1. The other survivors; die to reverse bear trap.The main chaser took so many hook states in the beginning that they died early, and then I got left on the hook to die because everybody was injured with active boxes. I got into a chase as soon as I got my reverse bear trap off but I prioritize getting the bear trap off so I got almost no gen progress done.

    It’s not smart for survivors to work on generators when they have bear traps on because you don’t know what your other teammates are going to do and the ones that do decide to prioritize gen almost always get somebody else killed.

  12. Seems like a better version of Corrupted Intervention in a way, not to mention that it gives you an extra perk to run
    But yea, either they dont do gens and can be harassed off of the boxes which prolongs them looking to get them off and you getting hooks, or they fo. Agen and put themselves in a dangerous position if they get bad RNG

  13. This addon is objectively worse than just playing normal pig. Vs Survivor with any kind of a brain you just put yourself at a disadvantage. The strength of the traps is putting them on someone on a hook, because it pressures gens or becomes active. Now survivors control your early game.

  14. Whenever my swf encounters a pig with this add-on and they have the rare add-on to pair with it if there is no ruin we have 2 people working on 99 gens and the other two if not in chase try finding all the boxes to take theirs off as well as inform us where they are placed. With ruin though we try to do at least 2 boxes each and if we still have our traps on we will do gens since we only have 2 or 3 boxes to check instead of 4/5

  15. I went against a pig w that iri add on and the no aura seeing boxes and it was PAINFULLL since we were on red forest. the pig ended up slugging everybody but had to hook me cuz I had sg ub 🤣

  16. I was a survivor in a game where we all started off with reverse bear traps on and couldn't see the boxes.

    The first gen popped very quickly, fast enough I think there was more than one survivor working on it. None of us had our traps off yet, so all four of us had active traps on. I got mine off on the third try, but two of my teammates needed boxes that were pretty close together on one side of the map, and I think the killer figured this out since they were only patrolling those two.

    . . . Yeah, two people got killed by the RBTs with 4 gens remaining. RNjesus did not like us that game.

    This combination of addons is high-risk, high-reward to run IMO, since if you have a weak early game you've basically lost all your mid-game slowdown, but there's pretty huge snowball potential if you play your cards right/the survivors gamble and lose; I've 4k'ed at 5 gens before using this, and I think this video showcases how that's not that unusual an occurrence with this type of aggressive build.


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