How I would Rework Michael Myers in Dead by Daylight

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Michael Myers can feel a little underpowered and outdated in dead by daylight. In this video I go over my ideas to try and hopefully improve him.


00:00 – Intro
00:44 – Why is Myers weak?
01:41 – My Rework
05:17 – Outro


#dbd #myers #gaming #rework #blender #edit #concept #michaelmyers #halloween


49 thoughts on “How I would Rework Michael Myers in Dead by Daylight”

  1. What I think is good about the toggle suggestion for tier 3 is that it means you can also add a small startup animation like oni has so the frustrating experience of Myers walking up your back and popping t3 before you have any chance is gone while still giving the Myers player more agency and control

  2. I have hundreds of hours playing Myers. Here are my thoughts:

    – making the stalk meter slowly progress so that you can transition into tier 2 is a good idea but 30 seconds seems too good for not doing anything. A better idea would be to make the memorial flower base kit so that stalking isn't too slow without speed add-ons, plus you have to stalk which is more fun

    – nullifying the stalk distance debuff on survivors repairing or healing seems unnecessary; it's a cool idea but if you have a 16-meter terror radius, you already have a good enough tool to do it from mid-range. I can imagine it'd be frustrating to go against too because there's a distance at which you probably won't notice him which means there'd be no counterplay to deny him of his power, not to mention unnoticeable tiny gaps that could help you abuse this

    – pressing Ctrl to tier up is a nothing buff. The more you play him, the less you make the mistake of triggering a tier transition. It used to be justified because his stalking was buggy but now it's smooth as butter and it's entirely on you not paying attention if you mess up. 99ing takes some skill too, so I would dislike the removal of having to do it

    – I love those tier 3 buff ideas

  3. this is a dumb nitpick but i just wanna say that i seriously disagree that the doctor only received slight reworks. dude got a complete overhaul with the madness system being reworked and the terrible, terrible two mode system he had before (tho i do kinda miss the static field sometimes)

  4. I disagree with the first one i think Myers tier 1 isn’t that bad if you are good enough and also the stalk points thing is also i feel unbalanced because the point is to balance it

  5. I’ve always thought simply reversing his stalk rate/distance ratio would fix Myers. That and bringing his ability to stalk multiple survivors back into the game. He can’t stealth around the map like Ghostface can so more distance=more stalk would help, and it would also help distinguish his power from GF more. I do prefer your suggestion though. Stalking survivors in the middle of an action without a distance penalty sounds very lore friendly.

  6. Stalky Boi did a video on how he would rework Myers and still keep him faithful to the movies. Basically he could tombstone survivors who had their stalk points fully drained as a suggestion. That way it’s faithful to the movies as Myers loved to kill by hand and not just sacrifice them to a monster.

  7. I think survivors should be punish for being stalkedas currently another survivor can get punished for someone else being stalked.
    For that, I would make it so when a survivor is fully stalked, he should receive some kind of status effect, like make him oblivious for the rest of the match or something along those lines.
    That way myers would also not become just an M1 killer after stalking everyone

  8. I feel like you make his Tier 1 a bit dramatic. Also he is highly dependant on his addons which can buff him but also make him almost unbeatable. I like the idea killers having their strenght more built around add-ons like for Michaél.

  9. First of all, GIVE TIER UP BUTTON PLEASE. There's so much times where the map is dark and I use stalk to see survivors clearly, only to accidentally tier up, honestly this is such a frustrating design. I disagree about your point of Myers getting tier 2 automatically within 30 seconds though, a free tier up without doing anything isn't good design wise. Rather, it's probably better to get passive stalk from chases. Example is a pallet stun or blind can give 0.1 stalk. It'll make some chases worth it and help with stalk running out. Also, at tier 3, he already has some help in chase, faster vault and longer lunge, however, at the current meta this felt so outdated and there's so much counter to this not only perks but map rng as well. He doesn't feel the unstoppable myers during tier 3 like in the movies so I suggest myers to have a special bloodlust during tier 3, something like a free enfury at max bloodlust.

  10. Honestly I hope myers doesn't get changed because even though he is a weak killer I always die to him because all 3 of my SoloQ teammates always seem to think he is having a staring contest and they give him his juice. Even more annoying is that he always 99s his power and uses it on me. It is why I prefer ghost face as everything is a consequence of your actions (except when it won't reveal despite looking directly at him)

  11. I'm REALLY hoping bhvr sees this video and actually reworks myers to be like this. It's such a better change an it's not even Overpowered. There are still plenty counters and you can actually feel like myers whenever you want still to.

  12. My best idea is to just not touch Myers at all. He may be weak but we all know what happens when BHVR alters a killer’s kit. They’ll butcher the fuck out of the add ons that made Myers still fun,

  13. Играя на Майкле я бы хотел добавить в 3 тир ему дополнительно скорость к любым действиям, меньше стан, возможность копить 3 тир неограниченное количество раз, но при этом уменьшить скорость получения уровня зла, при условии если ты играешь без надгробия или его осколка. Да на самом деле можно как угодно улучшить Майкла, было бы желание разработчиков. I think buffing his actual breaking and speed would be a nice idea in tier 3, also make him stronger adding infinite stalk but with reduced speed on same person if you dont use any of tombstone addons. If you have these addons you will stalk as usual without infinite stalk with reduced speed. Короче мой английский это жопа поэтому написал чо думаю. Пойду чаю попью.

  14. first change the game and make it balanced before buffing killers (again) the new buffs killers got made the game worse and they should first look at that bc i played myers and hes good and playable with these new killer buffs and comparing him with oni? what hes unique and got instant mori add ons plus in t3 he vaults fast asf does oni have that? no i think hes fine for now and they should nerf blights and nurses bc if you want to buff killers i think sadako is up first she sucks hard with only 4/5 tv's to teleport to when theres a killer who can teleport to every locker and it gets dark when you cant see sht if you just play dbd for fun during the day anyways hes fine for now

  15. I'm not going to lie, when I came in, I was dead set in thinking "Myers is fine!"

    Then your video changed my mind a little, and your proposed changes seems like enough to help base kit myers out a bit. (Vanity/Scratched, and Tombstone wouldn't benefit from this and thats perfectly okay with me.)

  16. I think he should get a 5 or 10% movement speed in tier 3 and a 10% breaking speed to pallets and breakable walls, this might be extreme but I also think aruas should be seen for 3 seconds when he uses tier 3 and I’ll explain why. Myers was always seen as an unstoppable force that always found his targets in his movies so it makes sense that he can see all 4 of his targets to me.

  17. i agre with some of ur ideas, here some of mines:
    Tier 1 makes myers a lil bit faster but slower when in chase so he can have a better start and comit to grabs, jumpscares and ez stalk to get out of tier 1.
    Make that if a survivor have the stalk meter that they cannot see, but when its full then they are moriable or make them "grabable" like wesker thing, and myers have the killer instict for 10s, if they dont die then they stalk meter is empty again.
    Make that tier 2 give myers faster and longer lunge, faster break pallets and walls and faster vault.
    Make that tier 3 give myers a buff speed to his baskit like: faster window vaults, faster stun duration, faster pallet and wall break, faster cooldown, faster grabs, hooks and drop interactions.

  18. two things i would love to have on myers

    1 if a survior is fully stalk and cannot be stalked anymore you can mori the survivorlike if you have tombstone if they have been hook once making the survivor who trows on a very bad state

    2 when myers is in tier 3 he can hook people instently by stabbing them a bit like how pyramid head can so that myers don't go into a 50 50 like state when he leave people on the ground in tier 3

  19. The video is really well made and easy to understand with the illustrations. I even learned something today, that in my 2.5 k hours of game I did not know (that if you stalk closer you get your power faster). Keep up the good work!

  20. Myers in 1978 is 5’10” with normal human proportions. He’s on the Trapper base model with no custom animations. He does not feel like the movie whatsoever, especially with the horrifically inaccuracies in his outfit and mask.

  21. I would rework him like:
    MM would begin at EW 1 and can stalk the fastest at that tier,
    EW 2 gives him normal killer stats and can stalk, but his progress would be very low
    MM would gain tokens for his power, 5 at max.
    1 token to go from EW 1 to EW 2
    1 token to go from EW 2 to EW 3
    3 tokens to go from EW3 to EW 4
    EW 3 remain un changed, he can insta down and have increased action speeds
    EW 4 can insta kill survivors, but can only as fast as EW 2, Terror radius becomes 50 meters, breathing becomes lullaby at 16 meters. Duration becomes 45 seconds, upgreadable with add ons.
    MM can go from EW 2 to EW 1 at will, this is to help him gain tokens.
    A survivor can have 10.1 charges max, but will gain charges each time he/she does conspicuous actions.
    If MM stalks a survivor doing a conspicuous action, he would gain progress what he would normally gain plus the recharged charges the survivor gains by his/her action.
    MM in EW 4 can kill any survivor, even on ground and lockers, hooked survivors are off limits.

  22. Tier 2 could still cause problems. Good survivors can make getting out of tier 2 time consuming. You're mostly stalking during chase in tier 2, so players will likely be running. It may still function fine with the other proposed changes, but stalking around a loop in tier 2 would still be a thing.
    The stalk debuff totally going away is too harsh imo, it's just too much to be stalking at max speed. Maybe the debuff could be halved instead? What would really be cool is if there was an engaging way to build evil within while doing productive things in a chase. Other snowball-y killers like oni get to hit survivors and receive power build up.
    Finally, the stalk limits should just go entirely. I know the throwing survivor thing sounds bad but it's just as bad with a character like oni anyways. A throwing teammate is a throwing teammate and you have other problems at that point. The big thing is, the stalk limits come into play in too many scenarios when, once again, a character like oni can keep recieving his power the same way the entire game.

  23. Because stalking far would be useful, I’d give a small Haste buff after say, two and a half seconds of stalking so Myers can chase after without being left behind. It’d be cool as well if he all survivors had a short Killer Instinct reveal. Kind of like in the movies, where he seems to always anticipate your next move. This would let him apply pressure like the Oni, where he could snowball

    TL;DR add small haste after stalking and momentary killer instinct for entering tier three

  24. Myers is one of my mains and I usually can play him pretty effectively. I do like the idea of toggling into his power as I tend to do something like that anyway by 99%-ing his power. The passive tier 1 increase and the idle/conspicuous action range buff and survivors gaining back stalk points by doing said conspicuous acts are all great touches. The only thing I feel is a bit too much is the lack of speed penalty from successful hits during tier 3. Sure it increases his snowball potential but his tier 3 can last a LONG time with add-ons, so I think deallocating that to another add-on would be more ideal.

  25. As am experienced survivor main i said that i like to see permanent tier 3 as a base kit. When myers has that add-on the game, for chases etc is way more fun. Maybe they can remove the vault speed, but tier 3 is scary and fun and isn’t that strong


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