The Problem with Player Feedback and Behaviour – Dead by Daylight

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24 thoughts on “The Problem with Player Feedback and Behaviour – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I agree with most of what you said, except Wesker being well designed. He can be really broken in some situations. I think he should have only 1 dash, 2 almost makes him like a Nurse, he just can’t go through things

  2. I highly disagree with skill expression being the main fun component. Because if they were to focus primarily on just rewarding skill and getting rid of things not relying on it then the games just going to be another Uber competitive game I boot up for 5 minutes a year before I remember how unfun super competitive people are.

  3. My friend plays this game and he thinks it's fun to make survivors suffer and get them to DC by using everything he can to piss them off. Listening to community feed back is hard when there are people who will twist the idea of what killers or survivors really want in DBD.

  4. Honestly I’ve just reached the conclusion that not only will the community NEVER be satisfied with the state of the game, but BHVR is going to continue this cycle of breaking things in the process of fixing others and then not fixing those new issues for several months. It really just isn’t worth getting worked up about, especially when it just contributes to this vicious, bitter cycle that plays out between the company and the community.

  5. This video is on point. They seriously need to outsource map creation at this point. Borgo is such a perfect example of how they understand map design. Every loop is two dimensional, aside from the extremely weak upstairs window. It shows they didn't understand color palette, as scratch marks get lost in the red murk. Aesthetics aside, there is nothing new, unique or fun that Borgo added to DbD's gameplay. I feel the same way about all of the maps released or reworked in the last 3 years.
    DbD also has a problem with "Crap it's this killer on this map again" which can already be two strikes against a match for a weary solo. Combine that with "ffs that perk again" or "the odds of completing or advancing my tome challenge/ritual are low" and certain players' head umpires just go "Steeeeeeeerike 3! I'm outta here" and either straight DC or become sky meat ASAP.

  6. ive been saying for a long time that the devs are really screwing themselves over with their rapid release cycle. and its only gonna be worse this year because we're gonna get 6 total chapters/paragraphs. they cannot keep this up, they really need to just skip one or two chapter releases per year just to give themselves plenty of time to polish up the new killers, maps, and perks to make them fit in-line with their previous updates. fill the time inbetween with more cosmetics, rifts, stuff like that.

  7. They listened to feedback on Dead Hard, from killers who didn't have "fun" with it and ignored the survivor players who did have "fun" with Dead Hard. In fact, that was literally the most "fun" perk for survivors because it's the only time survivors can outplay the killer.

  8. Garden of Joy is great wym? That is the most survivor sided map thats ever been printed? Okay – and? Are we gonna talk about midwich? How it allows nurse to end a game in less than 30 seconds? Doctor and Wesker have a global terror radius on it making Sloppy Caulro impossible to deal with? That theres actually no way to loop on that map because its small rooms full of shit tiles in long hall ways that are easy for killers to find you in? Maps aren't only survivor sided – there are plenty of killer sided ones too. Dead Dawg Saloon is the best knight map because it has a guaranteed 3 gen in a corner, is the smallest map in the game, and the only way for a killer to lose on that map is for them to 'play for fun'. So tired of people talking about maps, they're never gonna all be good for both sides, and if they were all good for only one side that would still be a problem.

  9. To be fair they HAVE been getting a little faster and a little better each year. We wanted a meta shake up? We got one. Self healing too fast? Nerfed.

    The BP thing an amazing example! "Too much BP" was a problem less than half a year before they added blood web improvements!

  10. Thank god Scotts actually giving them credit where its due. I still see so many people say that they don't listen or do anything to fix things and at this point its just objectively false.

  11. Hate to break it to you Scott but people don't "try" to get better BECAUSE of the fact that they don't know what makes the game fun. If they did soloQ wouldn't be full of monkeys. There's literally no incentive for survivors to wanna get better. Why would I need to get better when I can just play a 3 man, use map offerings and throw in prove thyself?

    For killer, you have to be sweaty or stack slowdown. By them continuing to massacre every good slowdown perk that only contributes to more camping/tunneling because it guarantees a kill majority of the time and the only way it doesn't is if the survivors are bots.

    I've had at least one prove thyself in every killer match I've played for the last 3 days. Pain res was fun, now it's not even worth using cause you have to plan around it now, you just can't get value out of it on the fly. Pop is trash. Deadlock is overrated and doesn't do much when you can slam so much progress on a gen. Overcharge was nerfed for no reason. CoB didn't need to be nerfed as bad as it was. Ruin is complete dogshit. Jolt's needed a buff to regression and extended to ANY attack since it was released.

    All that and how many gen progression perks have been nerfed in the process?

    The game isn't fun because they only have 1 side in mind. And I can't even really say that cause whenever I play survivor I get the most desolate and bare bones tiles I can possibly get with damn near no good pallets.

    The whole game just needs to be worked on, not just a few things every month and a half to 3 months.

  12. This game has been fundamentally unchanged for 7 years. Survivors still repair 5 generators and run out the exit after 7 years. Besides that huge problem, a third of the game's killers aren't fun, most of the maps aren't fun, a lot of the perks aren't fun, matchmaking isn't fun, and the hacking isn't fun. At this point they have to rework 6 killers and 75% of the maps, change half of the perks – the game will never be fun again let's be honest.

  13. I've been saying this for a while now. They should really have at least a couple of people that are ACTIVELY in the community like Otz just to bounce their killer power ideas off of. I'm positive some of these recent killers like the Skull Merchant would've been so much more well designed if someone like Otzdarva or Hens was able to listen to the concept of the power and think of ways of how it'd be abused or be not fun. I'm not even talking bugs just fundamental killer design. The Skull Merchant would've been so much better if someone like Otz was able to give their feedback on the power and be like "Yeah, that's just gonna make people unhappy because it removes skill expression" and then BHVR, before devoting 6 months of development time to that concept, would be able to come up with a new design with or without the same base ideas. At that point you'd be hiring them as an employee though basically which I can understand BHVR not wanting to do that but.. they kinda need to at this point.

  14. Everything wrong with this game boils down to bhvr not understanding their own game because they dont even play it…
    And i mean Really grind both sides not 2 minutes of Kyf every week..

  15. Otzdarva would literally be the most ideal candidate ever for signing an NDA and giving BHVR feedback. I’ve never seen a creator so optimistic and passionate about a game before

  16. As a student studying game design, I've noticed some concerning issues with the developers. They either lack understanding or underestimate the player base. Game design should prioritize fun, as you and others have pointed out. Feedback should consider both survivor and killer perspectives overall, as you mentioned, and killers need more gameplay choices. I've tried reaching out to help with QA testing, even applied for a position but I guess I don't have enough experience, even though I have a better understanding of game design/development than they do. The developers would benefit from expanding their knowledge and being open to constructive criticism, especially from fog whisperers who can test changes beforehand.


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