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I actually don’t understand how people can say that Hillbilly is bad. How is he bad? His add-ons are good, and his basekit is still strong. What are you people on about??? Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Hillbilly in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
Damn hillbilly sucks he made someone dc
Then why people blaming Devs nerf Billy?😂😂
Hillbilly is very underrated I've played him loads recently and he is very good
play base kit billy
Dude, billy unplayable, what is this can't even use M2, no wonder he is in b tier.
People who say hes bad im pretty sure just relied on old instasaw which tbf was busted
People do over react a lot with him but the reason why they call him bad is because
His addons suck so badly, his best addons are like turning and engravings but all the other are basically trash. The new maps have very weird hit boxes so it’s harder to curve
And his animations are so weird to the point some people get motion sickness so basically he is a good killer but other killers do his job better
You're an amazing Hillbilly but those survivors really didn't played that well at all.
Damn Tat, how much did you pay for your gaming chair?
The problem with Billy isn't that he's bad, the problem is that other killers simply outclass him now while also having way better add-ons.
You're using the 110 movement speed Primer Bulb + Green Engravings, you know what else you can play?
Bubba (easy mode Billy) with double chilli, Oni with Lion Fang + Topknot, Blight with Blighted Crow + Alchemist Ring.
There's nothing impressive about Billy anymore; his add-ons are trash and the 5 usable ones are nothing spectacular, the roar and overheat are annoying, his buggy animations are still not fixed and a new shitty map is coming for him.
There's your explanation. Also these survivors are not the best to prove your point.
play him on any school map against good survivors and you will see why
I feel like we need max thompson's mix tape
Tbh i don’t like hillbilly nor do I think he’s good but I can see your point