HOW IS LEGION BAD??? | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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How is Legion even considered to be a bad Killer? I rarely lose matches as them. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as The Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
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24 thoughts on “HOW IS LEGION BAD??? | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. Most people just don‘t understand how Tier Lists work I guess. They see Legion in C and immediately think it means they‘re terrible. People like Otz explicitly say that even a D Tier Killer can be oppressive (just look at OPWs Sadako) and its just how much effort they need to put in to BE oppressive.

    Actually, its mostly just how they compare to Nurse

  2. Since Dead Hard and Windows are meta perks, running Mindbreaker and Blood Echo with Smiley Face Pin for perma blind and exhaustion is crazy underrated. Survivors are pretty helpless without their crutches.

  3. Because relative to most killers, they suck. Legion is only strong against uncoordinated or smooth brain survivors, like the ones you just played. It's also heavily map dependent.
    Play any decent team that knows to spread out, focus on gens, and doesn't give free downs, (@ your survivors in video 🙄) and there's basically nothing you can do.

  4. I knew I recognized the name….

    A few weeks ago, I was playing Legion and went against someone in your community. In endgame chat, they offered unsolicited advice about which add ons I should run. Granted, this was after I got a 4K.

    But thanks for all the Legion content, it's definitely helped me improved my gameplay!


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