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How is Legion even considered to be a bad Killer? I rarely lose matches as them. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as The Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
High b low A teir fr
Legion is not bad so lets nerf Pig
Your chat is blocking the screen a little to much
Legion are middle-of-the-road so people who’re in the constant meta arms race mentality see them as bad as they aren’t the best of the best.
Legion isn't strictly bad. They're unreliable. They depend too much on the map, RNG on the map, good addons and survivors that don't know the counterplay
Most people just don‘t understand how Tier Lists work I guess. They see Legion in C and immediately think it means they‘re terrible. People like Otz explicitly say that even a D Tier Killer can be oppressive (just look at OPWs Sadako) and its just how much effort they need to put in to BE oppressive.
Actually, its mostly just how they compare to Nurse
The funny
Holy damn!
Sus' walking with Frank's walking animation is scarier than Frank!
Sad that Bubba is now leaving us, Rest in poop you won’t be pissed
they were actively trying to get 3-genned, what are these people
He’s amazing. Legion is my main and I love them. However I struggle on huge maps with legion a lot but mid to small, = death
Wait, the Gremlin walk is gone? Next time you are going to tell me that female Legion hands are now fixed.
People die of boredom
Tat if you like rap but not the regular american one you should try BAZOOKA becauze it is the best romanian rapper group especially since they launched their last album
They really need to fix Legion's gremlin walk and also make it so that their chase music still persists during feral frenzy.
Since Dead Hard and Windows are meta perks, running Mindbreaker and Blood Echo with Smiley Face Pin for perma blind and exhaustion is crazy underrated. Survivors are pretty helpless without their crutches.
Because relative to most killers, they suck. Legion is only strong against uncoordinated or smooth brain survivors, like the ones you just played. It's also heavily map dependent.
) and there's basically nothing you can do.
Play any decent team that knows to spread out, focus on gens, and doesn't give free downs, (@ your survivors in video
I knew I recognized the name….
A few weeks ago, I was playing Legion and went against someone in your community. In endgame chat, they offered unsolicited advice about which add ons I should run. Granted, this was after I got a 4K.
But thanks for all the Legion content, it's definitely helped me improved my gameplay!
Legion is great for gen slowdown and getting dcs.
Well Done Julie, that's my girl
only the people who verse him and hate on him but not actually play him say hes bad, no one can change my mind

edit: oh damn thts crazy i said the same thing in strim
How will this affect Lebrons legacy?
I'm convinced that a lot of people don't know how to play against Legion (or even as them), or just have severe Legion PTSD.
Because they’re not as good as other killers