How is Merciless Storm Not Killswitched Yet? – Dead by Daylight

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41 thoughts on “How is Merciless Storm Not Killswitched Yet? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I run Merciless Storm now and again as part of an Entity Blocker build, but I had no idea it was bugged! This is actually the first time I've heard anyone mention it since the last time it was bugged.

  2. Hey scott can you also talk about how boon circle heals you in 22 seconds at 50% healing speed. But botany knowledge + self care takes 32 seconds to heal at 85% nobody has talked about this at all I’ve been saying this forever. And p.s boon circle + botany heals in 16 seconds at 100% try it and you’ll see I’m telling the truth this is a major problem nobody has talked about and I’m not big enough to get it fix you might be tho

  3. Can't wait for them to see the stats of merciless storm going up and then think "hmm this perk is OP everyone runs it now and win" then proceed to nerf it (and pig).

  4. When theres a game breaking bug for killers to abuse and exploit, the devs take ages to even glance at it. When the same happens for Survivor, its removed from the game within a day until further notice which takes months and months and months.

  5. My doctor build: Merciless, distressing, huntress lullaby, unnerving presence. Both terror radius addons. "The Game" offering. I get 5 stacks of lullaby then I body block my hex totem and have had 55 minute games this way.

  6. They've been fumbling the ball on bugs like crazy lately. On PS5 you can barely even start the game, it's become a common issue where it constantly says there's a network error, bloodweb error, etc, almost everytime you try to login. After maybe 7 restarts you can get in to play one match, where 9 times outta 10 you'll be kicked out when it's done. Gotta love bhvr

  7. i remember them having the perk kill switched a while ago because it was causing the gen to lose progress when you hit the skill checks. why did they turn it off if the perk wasnt fixed yet?

  8. I don’t really play dbd anymore but last time I was updated there was a mori rework where if all 4 survivors are slugged a mori will automatically end the game was this idea abandoned ?

  9. Bad code. That's the explanation. Remember they "patched" the Merciless Storm + Pain Resonance interaction, but there is still some interactions which are almost the same, for example, Merciless Storm + Jolt. Their patch was just an "if" statement checking if the regression was because of Pain Resonance while they could have easily fixed it once and for all just by changing Merciless Storm to a fixed time duration.
    If you know about programming you will understand better.
    Tldr: BHVR developers are very bad / the game code is a complete disaster.

  10. Went a literal whole day facing ONLY merciless storm killers. Fully aware that it was broken. Idk how tf they can bug a perk this bad and refuse to killswitch it

  11. So I think it only effects a small number of players. Playing killer or survivor I haven’t seen the effect you are talking about. So idk. Also I used it just to see and it didn’t trigger like y’all say.

  12. Ngl bhvr has been soo lazy with the game recently we got 2 killers in the row which are boring and very simular killers, the recent updates has been some what questionable and they just don't care about their game anymore


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