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7 thoughts on “SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT TRICKSTER? Dead by Daylight”

  1. Basically an M1 killer who can really only punish people who want to loop a dropped pallet/run down long hallways or against SWF who want to body block. I think the design is also kinda just…ok at best. I'd rather play Huntress who does more than that.

  2. Trickster requires more skill to play in higher levels of play because of knowing when to pop main events and positioning ironically even more than before. His knife power is stronger than before in the open when main eventing if you have main event duration addons, but his power is significantly weaker in loops with walls. Trickster requires roughly 30-50 games even if you knew how to play him before to understand the flow of him. and those are massive loses or 2ks. I'm a trickster main, and know what it was like to adjust to his changes after the "buffs" to make him not as terrible. Trickster benefits a lot more from agitation because of main event spam so in a sense you're like trapper trying to get survivors into bad positions for saves. Knowing when to throw at a distance is even more important now because going for the m1 will still take more time. There are points in the video where if I was playing this match I would've used knives more, the main event is whats going for him and I absolutely used to hate main event before rework. His time to down is quicker or the same if you main event the moment you injure someone with knives than before rework. He's tougher to play in higher levels because they made him more map dependent, a 180 of what they were going for because of how his power functions.

  3. He's my favorite killer to play. I love him. Throwing knives is fun, and I think his cosmetics are great.

    He definitely has his faults and things he struggles with, but the recent changes to him feel a bit better imo. Buff to movement speed is SUCH a welcome change. He felt like he was trudging thru jello before. And being able to use main event more is nice. You really feel the extra laceration bars, but.. it ain't all bad.

    I don't go into matches dead-set on 4king, when I play with him. I go in with the trickster mindset. I wanna chase some people, throw some knives, and have a good time, but, i can certainly turn up the danger and put survivors in a bad spot when I want. His punish on a bad hook save or a train of bodyblocks can be brutal.

    Overall, i love that hes in the game.


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