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#dbd #doctor #redsgaminggears
Merch is finally here!
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This Dead by Daylight New Killer Legion Gameplay that shows what happens when you mess around and teabag red!
I hope this video is entertaining and helpful to the Dead by daylight and dbd mobile communities, and since dead by daylight crossplay is a thing now hopefully console players can gain something from the video as well! Enjoy the DBD Rank 1 Legion gameplay!
first and when does the 30 days series again?
hello red i love your videos you are so inspiring to play killer ! also the dog in the background is so cute 🥰🥰
i feel like its been AGES since ive seen you play Legion. I love that skin too
the saltiness in this game on your end was justified and all of these survivors deserved to die lol
"Tea bag me again bitch" I felt that 🤣
Love the content man keep it up!
Zoom n boom
I have such a love hate with legion there so fun but when I get gen rushed I always feel like damn with my main wrath or slinger that wouldnt have happened but when ik crushing and running there fades on loop it feels so good
Roman HATES toxic survivors.
Hahaha that endgame salt. Thats what they get for tbaggin alright.
Love to see some justice for bad manners 😀
Also 6:23 those sneaky survivors.
Blight is really fun I'm glad i got him i won a game against a bunch of teabagging idiots that dropped pallets early in an attempt to pallet stun me
6:22 World's sneakiest Yui holy shit
Can’t wait for that Ghostface 30 day streak!!
How the hell didn't you see The Yui!
Man its nice to watch someone who doesnt throw every single game(cough me throwing)
By the way!
This is a perfect Legion game!
Thank you, Red!
Isn’t the game just dead by daylight? Why is resident evil tacked on there for?
Red wheres the join button?
Is it just me or does his laugh sound like he's crying too
Merciless legion gg wp red bro
I just no no no them for teabagging lol like nice try but try again next time.
At 6:23 yui really put played red but the smallest bit
I wanna see the salt lmao
I could see legion jaming out to Bleed It Out by linkin park
Yay legion
whats the skin?