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#ghostface #dbd #deadbydaylight
As i work on the next rank 1 mindset here is a bit of fun from dead by daylight Ghostface! The Junkyard can be an unsafe place to play at if you are a lonely survivor! dead by daylight Resident evil PTB comes out in a Week, with the new killer dbd nemesis, and i hope you are all ready after the dbd new killer trickster was quite the disappointment! I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Ghostface Gameplay!
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Red: time to reek havoc with ghosty face
Do you normally stream at night?
I can never play ghost face without surge. He gets waaay too much value from it. Same with plague
There was a time where I was playing autohaven against Ghostface and I confused him for one of the stacks of tires at first glance😂
Thanks for the ghostface build
When do you usually stream I want to join later.
I still really like that knife
You think you can do a clown build Red?
Yay ghostface
This comment is for Ryan white dont ever thank red he will eat your soul to where he bans if u say monk-
Ninja has been banned reason saying-monke
What time do you usually stream on twitch?
Between Micheal, Ghostface and the Pig
whos the best stealth killer to you Red?
After this video I'd say Ghostface
What a nice sweaty ghost face build
Btw keep up the good work👍
Hellz yea i was there during stream
i badly want that ghostface outfit on mobile but i dont have that much AC😫
Yes nurse is #1. Always has been.
Great content as usual!
Hey red its me again. So lately I’ve been thinking about what killer i should buy and I’ve been a big fan of the stealth ones for awhile. How hard would you say it is for a somewhat new player to learn ghost face? I’ve had the game for awhile I’ve just been trying to get better lately so i just wanted your opinion
My brightness on 100% and i cant see please turn brightness at least on 65%