How Long Going for Hooks Takes! Dead by Daylight

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This is why you need to tunnel, camp, 1 hook, going for this many hooks isn’t realistic without cutting efficiency for survivors.

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #logic #observation

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22 thoughts on “How Long Going for Hooks Takes! Dead by Daylight”

  1. The devs never were truly focused on true balance because if they were then they wouldn't be obsessed with trying to make the individual survivors be a match for any one of the killers. Balance in this game is a joke so ultimately I left.

  2. don't think you were "going for hooks" your memory and the way it played out just made it like that, and…if i muted the video it was honestly one of the most enjoyable videos you made in a while. No offence.

  3. Survivors played really well here even if it was the game map, pallet breaker wraith also did really well in creating dead zones and you punished them for letting you slug and not getting the grab, causing the ace to go to second stage and then finding him again. Really enjoyable game to watch if I’m gonna be honest. Good plays from both sides, now if only true could stop bitching even after he won.

  4. Wow as soon as he post a match where he's going for hooks all the people who say they are unsubing cause he's tunneling or camping aren't anywhere to be seen. They won't even watch the video if they did stay subbed, won't even support unless it's your way. That's why I respect the fact that true gives no fucks and just plays how he feels like💯

  5. I think the map is actually really good design it's just they need to remove most of the god pallets I'm okay with a couple but not 10 that's just ridiculous

  6. DBd is one of my favourite concepts for a game but the whole time it has existed they have continuously shown they don't balance evenly for both sides and when they actually do things for killer they always nerf it again or give survivors compensation for it, I hate that the Devs ruin the games balance and never learn

  7. Where are these numbers coming from? 5 minutes for survivors to do gens, and 15-20 minutes for hooking survivors?
    That's such a simple minded way to look at this. Survivors objective time grows and shrinks with how well the killer does. If a killer is able to spread damage well, apply good map pressure, and down and hook survivors fast, than survivors will be occupied with much more than just gens. If they don't, survivors will have much more time to spend on gens. But it surely isn't a static 5 to 20 minute ratio.
    And even against really good survivors, you can still get injures and downs, without taking long for that, if you outplay them. Of course it very much depends on the map and the killer. There are big balance gaps between maps and killers that still need to be looked in to.
    But in general, you can't just say that survivors objective is always so much shorter than killers objective. Killer is more punishing, especially at the beginning of the match. But even without camping and tunneling, you can still win, especially with high tier killers. Against a really coordinated, 4 man swf squad, the chances are probably pretty slim to win, at least for the majority of killers, but that's not something this game can be balanced around.
    Camping and tunneling need to be nerfed, and I hope they do it soon.

  8. I admit I don't like the camping tunnels in this game I think it's terrible. Have that said I can't deny that as a solo survivor if the killer does not do just that it's 3-4 man escape. As a m1 killer which is what I normally play I lose almost half my games if I don't tunnel. Map design is and always has been problem

  9. One thing that I like doing with Wraith and Shadow Dance add-ons is to stand still for the standoff at the pallet, and right before Wraith is completely uncloaked, I move forward a little bit to add to the illusion of me uncloaking completely so they throw the pallet.


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