How many hours does it take to be good at DBD?

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A discussion on what an average Dead by Daylight player will need to play in order to reach different stages of proficiency at the game. Keep in mind that these are just estimates and not a rule.

00:00 Intro
01:29 Skill thresholds explained
03:53 “Beginner” level
07:38 “Intermediate” level
12:03 “Top MMR” level
14:22 “Advanced” level
18:28 “Competitive” level

[Beginner level resources:]
– Beginner Survivor guide:
– Beginner Killer guide:
– Basic tips for each Killer:
– All Map explained:
– Tiles explained:

[Intermediate level resources:]
– Basic mindgames for Killer:
– Understanding Killer grabs guide:
– Unlock FPS & settings guide:
– Safe unhook guide: (coming soon)

[Advanced level resources:]
– Checkspot guide:
– Survivor spawn guide:
– Killer tracking & callout guide:

[Competitive level resources:]
– Champions of the Fog community:
– Clock Callout guide:

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


26 thoughts on “How many hours does it take to be good at DBD?”

  1. Something I wanted to mention, that REALLY helped me learn the maps and is helping me memorize perks, is custom matches. My fiancé and I play custom matches a few times a week, sometimes every night, for a couple hours. We do best out of 3 (or 5) rounds on a same map, and it didn't take me long at all to memorize maps. I do think it's easier to memorize them playing as a survivor since you have to rely on the map a lot more to survive (I could be wrong, but it has felt this way to me). You also have access to all of the perks in custom matches, so you can read them all, and try them out without having to slowly unlock everything.

  2. less than 120 hours I was redrank1 in both survivor and killer. I know it takes time but learning basic mechanics of the game such as learning all perks, maps etc. takes less time than you think. 300-400 hours is enough to basically reach advanced. if we are talking about professionals, which is basically competing with other players, its all about experience and big IQ tricks that sometimes come to your mind. So I would say 2k+ hours is ok for professionals. Other than that 250 hours is enough to reach your max play level as a casual player not tryhard.

    If you ask to +3k hours tryhard players or content creators, ofc they would defend like ''its hard to master the game'' but that is bs.

  3. I started about 3 months ago, and I already have 700 hours. I would say I'm close to what you would call "Intermediate" I mainly play Killer, and I've definitely gotten pretty decent at chase and mindgames and whatnot, but there's still a lot of killers I haven't played and like won't ever play some of that has to do with monetization. I literally cannot play Freddy or Ghost Face because I don't have the money to spare, which also locks me out of perks so that's cool, but that's a different discussion entirely. On the Survivor side there's some killers that I just cannot even begin to play against like Nurse or Spirit so I just refuse to play against them because I'm not going to sink 300+ hours into learning how to play against a single killer. I would say for Survivor honestly a lot of it isn't even knowing how to play against a killer for someone at my skill level (Unless it's Spirit or Nurse since they are basically cheating tbh) it's more of learning timings and maps. Knowing what you can and cannot get away with, vault timings, pallet drops things like that.

  4. I wish I could go back and play dbd all over again and experience all the good things again. But I also want to know what is next and discover new things

  5. even with all my hours i still feel like theres basic gameplay mechanics i didnt know, like for example recently my friend with only 200 hours (i have 1.3k) told me that your infection rate doesnt go up when walking against a plague and i was baffled

  6. I have about 300 hours in dbd and played survivor for about 200 of it. And about 100 hours as killer, however i am much better at killer bc i learned the perks and such quicker and watched guides and stuff. That really helps

  7. i've been playing on and off since 2018-2019. it just depends on how much you absorb and how quickly. theres no way im not over 2000 hours, but im not very good at the game (not bad, wont sandbag my teammates) it also depends on if you can think quickly, i cant. which is really not so good for this game

  8. Kinda feel like its subjective. I started playing with ppl who already had 800+ hrs and now with 100 hrs myself Ive hit Iri 1 on both killer and survivor and I’m consistently able to run the killer only struggling with gen knowledge on indoor maps. Maybe its because I pick up easily.


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