I Think We're WRONG About This Update… | Dead By Daylight Update Patch Notes 6.7.0

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While everyone grabbed their torches and pitch forks during the developer update – I think I ended up actually enjoying what i was seeing about the changes. With brine, overcharge, and scourge having less influence on a match, perhaps the healing changes will balance things out.


Intro – 0:00
Autohaven Changes – 0:18
Flashlight/Killer Interactions – 1:59
Hillybilly (RIP) – 3:18
Cenobite Change – 5:04
Healing Nerf – 5:33
Slowdown Perk Nerf – 6:59
Pain Resonance Nerf – 10:57
Survivor Perk Nerf- 12:06
Medkit Nerfs – 15:05
My Thoughts Summarized- 15:44


Bootcamp Videos: *Wednesday* & *Sunday* – 11am CST



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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 3 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

#fogwhisperer #dbdkiller #dbd

dead by daylight more, new dbd more, dbd finishing mori, dbd finishing mori ptb, dyllonkg pyramid head, finishing mori, dbd flashlights, dead by daylight flashlights, flashlight changes, flashlight nerf, flashlight buff, knight, new killer, knight mori, dead hard nerf, circle of healing nerf, medkit nerf,


35 thoughts on “I Think We're WRONG About This Update… | Dead By Daylight Update Patch Notes 6.7.0”

  1. DBD players: Change the meta! It's getting stale and boring.

    BHVR releases 6.7.0 mid chapter developer update…

    Also, DBD players: This is the worst update to come to the game!!!

    Like, what do you guys want? Make up your mind.

  2. I said this in the begining, they are nerfing both sides. Healing slowdown will slow gen progress down, and balance out. Everyone focuses on the negative, and the destruction of their normal style of gameplay, and not focusing on how the game will change in a better way, hopefully.

  3. I don’t mind having to unhook someone to activate dead hard but personally I feel like it should then be removed as an exhaustion perk. It needing an activation requirement and then a cooldown to any other exhaustion perk is overkill to me

  4. I agree that the healing change was done to balance the slowdown changes, and overall as a survivor I think the matches will be a lot more interesting than just a war of attrition for 40-50 min. I think it's going to be rough and take time to get used to (especially for players who only started playing during gen kick meta and never lived through the days when sloppy/nurses was a common occurence), but i think it'll be…okay. idt ideal, but ok.

    I'm concerned about killer though :/ just from a purely selfish viewpoint. My killer matches are fine as they are, and I feel like I'm in a good spot with how I enjoy the game. I never run regression, and the most slowdown I run is corrupt or no way out, and that's honestly rare tbh. And without slowdown/regression, I do just fine in my matches. I win most, lose some, have fun chases, and that's all I care about. I'm concerned the added heal time is going to make it a lot easier, and that might get really boring fast?

  5. I think the route there going is going to bad.

    I’m a killer main 1khr turned to survior main for about 4-6 months then killer main again.

    The problem with this meta is the Play style is gonan be more oppressive,pre dropping pallets will be more common , to prevent having to heal more. People r gonna start staying injured more and just do the objective

    The most likely meta build:

    Resilience 9% speed boost , overzealous10 % can be 20% , with prove 15 % , then sprint burst

    Or stake out , prove , lithe , resilence

    Or we’ll make it 100% healing speed for 90 seconds , prove , sp, blood pact

    I think at first people will try healing builds to prevent the 8 second lose , but then realize cause killers r running , sloppy , dying light , that it will just be smarter to do the gens.

    I’m someone who always used call of brine , not much with overcharge although I did u use it , call of brine by itself was fine imo . Combining it with overcharge was the problem just make it so u can only bring 1 of these perks so u can’t double stack , but cause gens r gonna fly even faster now tunneling and camping is gonna happen even more to make up for the pressure.

    The meta builds I see that will happen probably

    Corrupt , deadlock , dying light ; sloppy

    No way out , corrupt , deadlock , stbfl

    That’s really all I can think of besides chase builds

  6. My thoughts:

    Scourge Hook would have been better with a cool-down (something like 30-45 seconds)

    Billy needs the add-on changes reverted imo, nobody wanted this.

    Healing needs speeded up from the changes, the current new changes hurts solo players too much.

    CoH should have self healing without med-kit but only at the base Self-Care level. (50% speed + any perks modifiers you might have)

    Call of Brine needs to be increased to maybe 150%, 125% is too low.

  7. Always appreciate your takes on things. I like your thought on the healing and regression perks maybe balancing each other out in terms of slowdown, in some sense, the healing slowdown may be more controlled because regression perks can be used by the Killer to slow the game to agonizing levels sometimes (i.e. user dependent), whereas the healing slowdown is more controlled (i.e. game dependent). It might also lead to more interesting chases/trials given that the Killer can spread their pressure rather than having to commit to single chases while undoing Survivor's progress. Not fully thought through thoughts on my end, just initial reactions. More to think about and certainly will have to wait and see when the patch is finalized and goes live.

  8. I remember when I'd chase a survivor who would heal themselves little by little after dropping a pallet on me. Then get to full health and gesture at me 🤣 fast healing really was too much.

  9. There are mainly four issues I have with this update:

    1. I'm totally ok with self healing being nerfed, but altruistic healing should not be penalised in my opinion, since it requires survivors to group up. With these changes, healing yourself with a medkit in 24 seconds is still better than making another survivor heal you in 24 seconds, which kinda defeats the point of the nerfs to healing.

    2. Please rework self care. I know there are a million useless perks, but self care actually hinders the match for everyone if a baby Claudette wastes a gazillion years healing herself every time she gets hit, especially now that healing takes longer.

    3. Pain resonance might as well not be a scourge hook perk anymore and activate on any hook, as by design it would already disincentivise tunneling. This way you would still need to "play nice" to get the effect, but you wouldn't be punished by rng. Also increasing the regression by a little bit (maybe 20%) wouldn't be a crazy idea in my opinion.

    4. The engravings nerfs are kinda dumb, not only because they weren't necessary, but also because other killers have add ons which are waaaay more oppressive that have never been touched for some reason.

  10. My only problem with this update is that the altruistic healing and killer gen perks were nerfed a bit too hard. Altruistic healing could've easily stayed 16 seconds or went to 20 seconds max. If you increase healing speed penalties too much, survivors will just stay injured with resilience on gens and slam them out, which they already do, but to a lesser degree. Slugging and hit & run will make a huge return now in the meta and be pretty much required to use to win against a good team.

    CoB was also gutted when it wasn't the problem. The problem was that it needed a small nerf and the perks around it nerfed. Now it's basically just a crappy information perk no one will use.

  11. my only two problems is that deadhard wasn't as good sprint burst, and idk how it should be addressed, but i think it might be too strong if now its 5 sprint bursts every lobby.
    the other problem is that i personally never had an issue with survivors healing each other quickly, like its something i obviously want to prevent, but it never felt like hyper efficient. it was medkits that could heal yourself twice, faster than another survivor can, and then circle of healing giving infinite heals with practically no downside.

    also not really an issue, but a concern, this would mean self care against sloppy would be like 90 seconds, just for the health of the game id like the perk to be disabled until reworked.

  12. Not that doctor face camping at 4 gens, I mean it's accurate because most of them play that way, but I'm wondering why they aren't doing anything in regards to camping? It's one thing to camp at end game to get one kill, but with barely any pressure from survivors? That's never justified.

  13. It seems like I'm the only one who looks forward to these changes. Alot of people I know cries over how they "killed" healing. I think it could be spicy to. Making health states more valuable

  14. I think autodidact will make a come up. I've been playing with healing builds to get myself ready somewhat. I've been running we'll make it, botany, autodidact, and desperate measures. My heals have been done in seconds. Definitely less than 7 seconds. I didn't set a timer to each one. And with another person it was even faster. I know inner healing is good. But survivors may turn into competitors for totems. 4 survivors= 2-3 heals per match=8-12 heals per game and only 4-5 totems. But I enjoyed my healing build. I also think resilience and overzealous will make an even bigger come up. And maybe some survivors just plow thru gens while injured. You made some good points. Always enjoy your content

  15. Healing times being longer is fine, but I think self healing without a medkit should've remained with circle of healing as before, because it's not necessary to remove that aspect. Rather if they do think it's too good, they could've optimized the values of the boon, but considering it already will take longer to heal and that you can easily snuff it, it's not necessary. Especially when you have sloppy butcher, which we will see even more than before, which already is often, it took longer to heal both in boon and in general. Dead hard takes so much skill and it makes me proud as killer or even as a fellow teammate when I see someone get value, because it rarely happens since it's so easy to bait out and to be honest kind of glitchy and didn't always activate. I however never use DH, but I feel sorry for the people who do. I also don't think it was necessary to nerf the call of brine and overcharge values, rather overcharge should've gotten a cooldown.

  16. here the problem for me when i play killers i dont have any option right now compare dead hard you can use other exhaustion perks they are really good…i know killers meta is boring for survivors right now but what we can do? we dont have any option pop was really healthy perk and they nerfed to the ground

  17. Idk why people are trying to tell me that I'm gonna hate sprint burst and lithe. I already go against them a lot and especially when dead hard first got nerfed. They never seemed strong to me at all. I've went against swfs with all sprint bursts and beaten many of them.

  18. Remember when Hillbilly was fun, and you were allowed to travel the entire map in almost a circle non-stop until you hit something (or became space-Billy)? Lol I think Behavior gets this killer more than pig at this point. Nerf him solely to make him less fun. Who in the last 4 years had any complaints about Billy?

  19. Legion is kinda bugged in the PTB, when you start frenzing and your in a chase with a survivor you can keep swinging your weapon and you won't exit frenzy. Its hilarious.

  20. I don’t really use any type of slow down besides jolt or corrupt from time to time but I think these changes are good, the huge nerf for medkits is definitely the best nerf by far since it gave survivors no fear of losing the match if you were good at losing chase because in 6 secs boom instantly heal after a hit , so it’s good to see that gone completely. And yea the slowdown perks got a hard nerf but at least we have pop,jolt, and corrupt as mentioned to help with the slow down and we can finally us some good chase perks that people haven’t used in awhile since people just use heavy slow down perks

  21. I think the primary issue is healing can take entirely too long with the perks that are out there. You could heal for nearly a minute and if you get interrupted you will lose all that progress with hemorrhage in play in 5 secs. That seems a tad unfair. There are perks out there that make healing faster but now we are just combating with healing perks now. I don't want to feel like I need to bring in Autodidact every game or inner strength just to heal. I saw a video of someone using sloppy and healing for longer than a gen which is just absurd. And I main Billy and they just consistently have been messing with him and almost never throwing a bone our way. Overheat I guess is good for people who are learning Billy but it was a nonfactor for decent Billies and the 2 of the 3 addons that Billy had that were decent (decent not being strong) are seemingly being altered because of overuse but they were overused because Billy has no addons that are worthwhile but Engravings or Lo Pro Chains. Just a sad update in my eyes, solely because they listened to feedback but took a one-sided approach to the healing the gen slowdown by not altering gen speedup perks or healing slowdown perks. I will stop though because I could clearly continue this rant, but I'd rather not overstay my welcome.

  22. I know this is going to sound a little out of nowhere, but are you doing okay man? That pause at the end of the video was something, remember to unclench your jaw and chug some water ss well m8.


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