How to Counter Legion – Dead by Daylight

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idk why i even need to make a guide that just says SPREAD OUT but here it is


43 thoughts on “How to Counter Legion – Dead by Daylight”

  1. scott i hate to break it to you but good legions will hit you thru the pallet and wont let you stun them out of their power, unless you have the reaction time of a god its not going to work and youll just end up wasting a pallet

  2. Yes getting hit by a pallet will end the power, you're right.

    And then Julie's Mixtape gives you the power back immediately. Bold assumption that anyone using Julie's Mixtape would ever attack through a pallet lol

  3. Scott is speaking the Truth here. HOWEVER a good amount of legion "mains" like to take Enduring against healthy survivors that just wait under the pallet. If you hit them and they stun you, you can instantly down them. You can get a fairly amount of downs with this as Legion. You could combine it with Spirit Fury but eh

  4. Here's my only complaint about legion: it's super boring to play against. Most my matches last 25min minimum, every single legion plays the same way by stalling, not even downing, just deep wounding

  5. my mans scott is really out here using the pencil to draw rectangles instead of the rectangle button LOL

    truly, our boomer

    edit to add: here since the original reddit drama from ds3, i mean boomer in an endearing sense because i, too, am a boomer

  6. What's funny is he's said precisely the same stuff in his "20 second counters" video that he made exactly a year ago. Legion truly isn't as OP as everyone is freaking out about

  7. You know what. I was one of the people crying about thanataphobia + how oppressive legion feels lately. It makes perfect sense, but people just don’t remember to do these things. I’ll try my best to do these things and hopefully everyone on DBD does see this video. 😭😭

  8. 6:25 I've had a couple of games as Legion where I mange to hit all four people in one Frenzy. It's rare, but does happen. Mostly because people didn't spread out, normally because people were trying to use Prove Thyself. Couple of game as Survivor against a Legion where it happened, mostly on small outdoor maps but once on The Game of all places, not really sure how that happened. Also the fifth hit down does work against the fourth person hit, it is not only to someone who doesn't have Deep Wounds. So you can hit them once then hit them again for the down.
    This is not counting the farming games with a Legion.

    Thanks for the video Scott.

  9. What’s truly sad about this is that Scott went to all the effort to make this video on EXACTLY how to counter a (C-tier) killer and yet for the foreseeable future there will be countless survivors complaining about how strong Legion is. Not because Legion is actually strong, but because like most survivors they still don’t respect what a killer can do when played properly and play greedy. Then they get punished for being greedy and making stupid mistakes and complain that the game is unbalanced or that the killer is too strong.

  10. Burst out laughing because I got found first, dropped pallet on legions head, then immediately all my teammates got found AND the last 1 got downed 🤣🤣😂 they didn’t watch this video luckily I did

  11. Trapper and Clown are technically the weakest Killers in the game. I love how Scott tries to insinuate that Legion is somehow as weak as the Them. If that were the case no one would play him, much like what happened with Trapper. Trapper is a rare occurrence. I get 2-3 Legions a day. Scott you say Legion is shit but if that were true why do so many people play as him?
    Legion is weak in competitions and against SWF. In Solo Queue its brutal cause most of the time players are idiots and if I am the only one following the methods it does nothing.
    Legion sees me countering and so he just finds the idiot Survivors and kills them first. If I spread out what good does it do when he finds another player, hits them instead and he gets his GPS to find the really shit players.
    I think the Legions greatest strength is that he can pick and choose which players to target and get the outcome he wants. Killers say they know immediately which player is the weakest and when you get GPS to find that player everytime then that is the biggest advantage. No other Killer can do that.
    I'll say this last thing, when I versus Legion, I am not the first person to die and am the last person to survive with usually 1-2 gens left.

  12. The wording there is a bit weird, but if Legion does hit the 4th Frenzy hit, they can just hit that person again to down them with a 5th hit.
    The advice is still solid because splitting up really does hurt legion a lot, and you really shouldn't instantly mend. A lot of times I see 5th hits happen are when someone who was the first person hit originally mends instantly and then also becomes the 3rd or 4th chain hit because the legion gets killer instinct on them again.

  13. My only issue with new legion is the never sleep pills add on. It's a yellow addon that's supposed to be a meme addon and give you more points, but it allows a legion to hit everyone in feral frenzy and get a down on most maps, even if you split up. And for clarification, you can down someone with the fifth hit even if they already have the mending bar. This means that the legion can get the 5th hit down if there are 4 survivors, even if nobody mends. You can just hit the 4th person twice and the second hit will down them.

  14. It's crazy that we know that Legion is weak but because people, like Scott said, don't know how to play against him, he performs well enough people think he needs nerfed. He doesn't lol

  15. I hate legion, because I pre-run like a good survivor, and all 3 of my teammates hand out 3 frenzy hits, so I usually get double tapped afterwards. So me playing smart, gets me killed, because it makes the Legion prioritize the other 3, who played bad, and chase me last because I'm the last one who isn't in mend.

    Basically he's a better Myers, in the sense clueless teammates get me "1-shotted"

  16. thanato got a 2% buff but gens got a 10 second buff that makes the 2% buff go up more

    thanato legion literally all you need to do is hit 2 survivors and now everyone does gens literally 10 seconds slower 4 and now they do 20 seconds slower

    thats along time to sit on a gen so you have to heal, oh but its legion and you are just gonna get injured 5 seconds later, so healings inefficient, so you either heal slowing progress or you dont heal and you slow progress

    or you can DC and be out in 5 minutes and playing the next match instead of playing an hour long match

  17. Does he know as long as Legion gets the 4th hit, he can hit anyone and they’ll go down? Deep wound or not? It seems like Scott thinks the 5th hit has to come on someone who doesn’t have deep wound, but that isn’t the case

  18. Pro tip (if not already mentioned here): If you are running a healing build, 99% your heal, play through Thana like you would already be doing. Looking like you are injured can trick the legion into an m1 chase. Loop as normal until the m1 and heal. Legions hate this though, it may open you up to bitterness from legion.

  19. The number of times I've eaten the fourth and fifth hits of a Frenzy while I'm on the far end of the map… Hopefully this video gives people some ideas so that that happens less.

  20. you guys realize the base slower gen speeds + thana is aids right? its not just a measly 2% playing killer last patch compared to now feels way too easy and if i bring thana and people notice they either die on hook or simply DC its kind of an issue if nobody is having any actual fun


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