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It really be wild in the DBD forest
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yay pig!!
I want to like your channel but like lol i just gett so turned off bc ur so bad lmao im just like aight im out sry
Let’s gooo
Dude the cheaters recently have been really bad, its discouraging when the last few updates have been super good
Soon you'll be one with the clown cops from Halloween 5
whats ur devotion lvl ?
You should do a slenderman build (It also gives you an excuse to use Myers)
Imagine BMing while getting carried by a skiddie. Actually pathetic, another thing thats sad is otz said he doesn't like DBD anymore because of the cheaters. Hopefully BHVR does something about them, I've only encountered down low cheaters thankfully
Can't you report cheaters to twitch?
Wow ngl I'm surprised that this vid was made so quickly 😂
But asides that I hope you enjoyed this stupid meme build idea that shouldn't have been this fun and (kind of) effective.
For all the videos I’ve seen about them and how much people say they have problems with them I’ve never gone against a blatant cheater in dbd
16:09 "bINgO BonGO"
Stalky you should've replaced the dead animal perk for Territorial Imperative since the wolf is alive.
Should’ve used spies
Great video
That zarina probably felt so betrayed lol
If I remember correctly it's 92%
After this video it's clear we need to nerf pig.
These pig and sadako videos always make me wanna play them but then i do and i just verse a swf bully squad every time with just clicking t bagging all of the rest
Stalky, my Boi, did I just hear you sing crush 40? 😍
30:54 I'm not like the other girls, I'm out for blood LOL 🤣 the grind don't stop.
Lol, that's a neat little gimmick build! Now replace BoP and TI with Barbeque and Devour — and you have a build about food and eating 😁
Hey Stalky!! Would you give me some advice? I´m trying to stick to a killer so i can get better at it. Which M1 Killer and which M2 killer would you recommend to get started? I´m a casual player btw.
I feel bad for cheaters, it just shows they have nothing else to do in life than to hack on a game, it's so sad 🙁