How to Manipulate the Dredge's Teleport – Dead by Daylight

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Priority: Survivor in locker – Locked Locker – Unlocked Locker
I think these things should be changed. Also scratches should be easier to see in Nightfall.


32 thoughts on “How to Manipulate the Dredge's Teleport – Dead by Daylight”

  1. If you always teleport to the unlocked one. Then it defeats the purpose of locking 2 lockers , once you teleport , if they are both locked you will break one lock , and then the other locker is locked for no reason since you will always teleport to the unlocked one.
    Unless I missed something ?

  2. I think a reverse issue with this would be that a group of lockers would get a single lock broken by the killer, then the locked ones can just be ignored.

    I guess that wouldn’t be too bad. The survivors just have to put more time into locking every locker for the single time they slow the killer down.

  3. Why not just let us choose wich one to teleport to?

    Have a big, ''soft'' aim area that automatically selects a group of lockers, and in the middle there's a ''precise'' aim that let us choose specifically what locker to get into (think ghostface reveal area). So we can still quick teleport to a group of lockers, but we can also choose wich one to go to if we want.

  4. There is also currently a bug with one of his addon that adds one charge of the teleport to his power, this messes him up given that teleporting to the remnant only costs 3 tokens instead of all of the tokens , so you are either forced to waste time using another remnant or tp to a locker to let your power recharge , found this earlier today , makes this addon just annoing to use more than usefull

  5. I think they should remove the lock/unlock priority and just have it be random. (Only giving priority to lockers with a survivor in it)
    Being able to manipulate a killer like this doesn't sit right with me, survivors should have counter play, but this doesn't feel like counter play

  6. The only real change I want to see with the dredge is on the survivor side. I think the vignette on the top of the screen goes too low during nightfall and makes it so you have to look at an upward angle to properly see. The draw distance and everything I'm okay with it's just the top of the screen I dislike

  7. I’m pretty sure dredge is a S to SS tier killer, either right alongside nurse and blight or directly behind them. Movement has always been what made or broke a killer in dbd. Nurse’s potential perfect teleports is why she’s technically always going to be the best in the game at least at the highest tiers of play. Same with blight, his potential to also run across the map in under 10-20 seconds is what has made him considered SS tier forever as well. With dredge, there’s again no difference here, but you get even more benefits imo. Dredge can travel literally across the map, further and faster than nurse, with no cooldown stuns or any drawbacks except if the locker is locked, it goes from taking him 0.5 seconds to get out of a locker to maybe 2 seconds instead. As far as I know, he’s literally “the fastest” killer in dbd right now due to that fact. Maybe if his teleports between lockers was much slower he’d only be a little faster than nurse/blight, but instead he’s 3x-5x faster than them outright. Not to mention locker teleport movement isn’t his only power, he also gets to put down his decoy that he can teleport back to which completely shuts down almost all loops, and on top of that he gets a global heavy blind/oblivious effect every couple of minutes. Plus this is just the first week of dredge being out, I’m sure there’s plenty of other tricks up his sleeve that others will figure out as time goes on. But anyways yeah base kit dredge is fucking nutters op that he can even contest some of the longest standing best killers in the game.

  8. I don't recall all these 'paired lockers' in the ptb. To me seems an intended function/addition potentially as a killer nerf or extension of gameplay but i wouldn't be convinced till i heard the devs comment on their intention with it.

  9. You know I would almost never say this, but this would never have been an issue in normal games had you not brought it up, the 1 percent of players who may have found this out now increases drastically. So that's fun.

  10. I think you can manually target the unlocked locker by looking up, did it once while I was pretty far away with the add on that lets you see locked lockers

  11. I disagree with pretty much everything said in this video. The amount of time it takes dredge to get out of a locked locker seems so miniscule compared to what it really should be, especially you bring the add-on that reduces that time by a full second (which is kind of a lot in the grand scheme of things). I would probably have a different opinion if survivors could unlock a locker after its been locked as long as the killer hasn't broken that lock yet. It seems silly that this isn't an option. Making the animation to lock longer doesn't do anything to improve the game experience at all. You already have to walk/run over to a locker in order to lock it which is already time wasted, and the animation is definitely not short enough that you can do it mid-chase unless you have a significant amount of distance on the killer. Your not going to be running the killer at shack and have time to lock a locker in there before the killer hits you for example.


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