How To Play As The Trickster | Dead By Daylight Killer Tips

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Is Trickster awful? Or are we trying to play him like Huntress? In todayโ€™s video, we dive into the tips and tricks for The Trickster that have helped me to win the majority of my games!

Time Stamps!

0:00 โ€“ Intro
0:39 โ€“ Ability Overview
2:15 โ€“ Main Event Overview

3:00 โ€“ Playstyle Tips
3:07 โ€“ 1. Tap Your Knife Throws
3:57 โ€“ 2. Close The Distance
4:49 โ€“ 3. Aim Over Objects In Small Pallet Loops
5:25 โ€“ 4. Use Animation Locks
5:55 โ€“ 5. Use Main Event Sparingly

6:41 โ€“ Trickster Weaknesses
6:47 โ€“ 1. Early Runners
7:11 โ€“ 2. Be Wary of Strong Loops/Tiles
7:51 โ€“ 3. Dont Over Commit to Knives

8:47 โ€“ Suggested Add-Ons
10:31 โ€“ Suggested Perks


Stream Schedule:

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10am โ€“ 4pm cst


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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

Dbd, dead by daylight tips, dbd tips, dead by daylight mobile, dead by daylight new killer,


21 thoughts on “How To Play As The Trickster | Dead By Daylight Killer Tips”

  1. Is there a reason why wound with M2 and down with M1 is preferable over the reverse? I kinda figure as long as you're that close whack 'em first but let me know what I'm miscalculating there.

  2. One thing I've never seen anyone mention is that survivors can stop sprinting to speed up the time before laceration starts decaying. It says so in the match loading screen tips when you're playing as the Trickster.

  3. Idk if this is true but I find that injure survivors with 7 knives, hit them which bring laceration meters to 5/8. And use knife to down them. Idk if that works.

  4. Thanks to your tips to me in your stream yesterday to play him like plague, he went from "very fun but frustrating" to someone I'm going to continue playing.

    I haven't been able to give ruin undying a chance because the blood web is a fickle mistress, but corrupt, pop, m&a and either STBFL or devour have been working wonders. And your individual click method is phenomenal!

    That all said, I do still think he should be 115 and give him a normal terror radius OR do something different with main event. Main event is a super hype button to press and it fits him, but the only reliable use is to get an unhook with it or if you manage to find multiple people in a big dead zone, which so far hasn't been too often (that is to say, I'd hit the button and immediately would rather just have thrown knives and M1.)

    So, I do apologize for being a negative voice. I think it was frustration from loving everything about him but not being able to connect.

  5. I have a lot of fun playing him but it's too hard to win loops. If his movement was 115%, I would play him more. Also, the laceration meter should take thirty seconds to start going down. He has the weaknesses of Plague and Huntress without their strengths. Perhaps giving him a speed boost and hemorrhage effect from wounding a survivor with knives would help. I would like to see a hemorrhage addon.


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