How Tome 17 Saved Feng Min | Dead By Daylight Lore Deep Dive

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Feng Min’s lore has FINALLY gotten a Tome! And she’s desperately needed a good one, so I’m glad to report Tome 17 has done her justice spectacularly… so let’s talk about it!

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21 thoughts on “How Tome 17 Saved Feng Min | Dead By Daylight Lore Deep Dive”

  1. Let's not kid ourselves, the only reason why feng is so popular is because dbd players are HORNY and feng min is a "hot asian gamer girl" , i'm glad the tome saved her as character but her getting so many skins for such a cynical reason will never sit right with me

  2. I'm so glad she got a really good story.

    It really goes hand in hand to why she's described as one of the people who seem to somewhat view the trials more positively than the others. (Jake and Yun-Jin being some other examples for various different reasons)

    Her life being in a shambles and that constant desire that she wishes that she could just start over again it really aligns with all the lore bits we got from her previously.

    1. She's in this messed up game but even if she fails she gets to start over and potentially succeed.

    She finally has a chance to succeed against all odds and even if she does lose everything gets reset and she could try again.

    2. Her cold near obsessive Focus in the trials that was was described in the Benedict Baker journal entry about her.

    She's in a situation where she can't lose focus again not like in the car crash so even diverting her attention to help someone injured is out of the question, regardless on whether or not there was any risk in helping them.

    As you said it definitely shows that the former way of doing the tomes was better. I do really want to see what they got in store for Sable ( because I love her and all her cringe) but I think it's definitely best for them to know what they want to do with her rather than rushing it out

  3. Thank you for this. I did not care one bit about Min until this tome came out. It basically transformed my view of her and made her one of my favorite characters in the game.

  4. I dunno. The tome kinda just made her out to be a careless idiot who killed all her friends and made me hate her even more than I already did. Do people actually like this?

  5. I love the lore and am looking forward to the next time, I just wish it wasn’t such a pain in the ass to unlock. Here’s to hoping they make Tome challenges less brutal in the future.


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