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I am quite simply the best Oni player in all of Dead by Daylight that you will ever lay your eyes on. Enjoy this gameplay commentary in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
Again first
late fish
& Scott John would like to know your location
It starts with "I just want to try Oni, it can be cool", then it goes "I wanna try to get better at him" while you still think that you can stop at any time and play other killer. Then suddenly you wake up seeing scoreboard where you 4Ked a 4-man swf with the best perks in Haddonfield. It turns out you became so addicted with this killer that you managed to destroy survivors while sleeping just because of muscle memory
Oni is the one Killer where I have no perks on him and play him like 1 match every 6 months (even pre-MMR), yet I am consistently matched with either blatant hackers or THE sweatiest mfs on the planet who I should be facing with my mains instead of facing them with the Killer with the lowest playtime.
Oni build recommendation
Tinkerer,ruin,barbecue, save the best for last
Why do you have you fps capped at 60 now?