I became Ghost Face and Killed Everyone – Dead by Daylight

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Welcome back to Dead by Daylight! I asked if you guys wanted to see more of this game and overwhelmingly you guys said YES! And many wanted to see me play killer, so that’s exactly what we’re doing in this video! ENJOY!

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40 thoughts on “I became Ghost Face and Killed Everyone – Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is why I never got into DbD. The community is hyper fixated about what is "toxic" instead of just playing the damn game.

    I mean you are playing against a serial killer, not your therapist. What do survivors expect? Headpats?

  2. Killers are jaded because u go from these types of games, to insanely good 4 stack of friends, back to noobs back to people who know every loop in the game, back to noobs and it just sucks. unless your as good as a 4 swf, or know the killer u get rolled or they get rolled. its especially fun when ur on a new killer and then the cycle goes, complete noobs->vets with 5k hours. And yes ive checked their hours my second game is usually against people with 2-7k hours on average

    My very first DBD game was incredibly toxic, that was years ago, so I refused to ever play again until my friend gifted me the game on PC. It's a lot of fun to play with friends, but doesn't seem like it's changed much. Maybe one day they'll do something about the crazy toxicity, not to mention the amount of DC's you get… It makes it so boring πŸ™ But I love seeing you play, and would love to see more!! You show why we love the game so much, it can be so much fun. Also, the second game was awesome to watch!! This team was working together so well it's crazy, this is what you love to see.

  4. its amazing how a player like u that havent played for 3 years, still knows a lot about game knowledge. I have more than 3k hours in dbd and I must say u play really good as survivor and also killer =D Good job!

  5. Hi Insym, ever since people were able to play DBD for free, immature kids have made things worse as you saw by whining, throwing games, DC'ing, etc., basically throwing a tantrum if they don't immediately win. You didn't do anything toxic that I saw. Try Texas Chainsaw Massacre when it comes out, it should be a much better experience for you and the terrible trio. Stay awesome!

  6. in the last year this community became so fukin toxic πŸ™ 2-3years ago nobody gived up after hitted by the killer…nowadays every fukin match has an idiot who gives up immidiatelly….

  7. Insym don't look at killer/survivor rank. It doesn't mean anything for selection. A long time ago, the developers made a "Hidden Rating"

    What changes depending on the actions. For example, for a killer:

    Killed 0 – 1 people = Rating goes down

    Killed 2 people = Rating does not change

    Killed 3 – 4 people = Rating goes up.

    For the survivor:

    Died = Rating down

    Escaped through the hatch = Unchanged

    Escaped through the gate = Rating up

    P.S: I am also glad to see you in this game, although it is still very toxic in terms of the community. Good luck on game!

    Its just like mine, you DON'T have to play scummy the whole game to win. As long as you frequently swap target and keep pressure up, you can do just fine.

    You did not play toxic. They were salty they didnt win against you xD
    It also often depends on who the killer is, and I'd say Ghost Face is one survivors don't enjoy as much.

    The feeling you got with the map with 100 pallets is more so why killers dont like to play… it can feel stressful.

  9. 21:40 "Am i being toxic?" No, you are not. These are just typical survivor mains who can't take being downed and losing… If they can't tbag the killer in the exit, they're not happy.

  10. 22:00 "If this is your average experience…" It is for SoloQ… That is why i only play with friends as survivor. The SoloQ is full of toxic survivors who can not stand being downed or hooked… Like that is part of the game? Why are they playing DbD if they get annoyed when they get a good killer πŸ˜€

  11. 47:23 "I am actually bad at this Killer stuff." … No, you are not πŸ˜… I've seen streamers who are killer mains and have less understanding of the killer-play than you… a lot less! So please keep it up 😊
    I'd love to see you play each killer in turn or do challenges 😊 So more DbD content, please.

  12. I think survivor experience is more fun than playing the killer, simply because of this issue: it takes a long time to find a match as a killer, at least for me. When you finally find a match, there will be someone disconnecting, another ragequitting, then you have two survivors who don't know what to do, sometimes I let them escape out of pity, because match becomes unfair. I think playing the killer is easier. When I play survivor, I find match quickly and even if my random teammates dc or ragequit, it's not as annoying, because you can just do your stuff asap and find another match quickly again.

  13. I rarely comment on videos, but this was really fun to watch, please more πŸ™‚ Also i love how you are trying to make it fun for everyone ingame, makes it even more enjoyable to watch. Too much toxicity nowadays everywhere.

  14. As someone who has 2k hours in this game and still is like 50/50 good as killer it was so much fun seeing insym having so much fun and still know a lot after saying that he hasn't playing in years πŸ˜„! Great video as always! πŸ’™

  15. Also, no insym you weren't toxic at all you played absolutely fair and how I wished killers would play! As you keep on repeating it's about having fun and you made sure both sides have that.
    Some players especially high prestige are very bad losers ^^` happens all of the time, or if they had a lot of bad rounds before their mood is just so down that they dc on the next hook I guess


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