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The Time I faced the Best Survivor in Dead by Daylight
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The Time I faced the Best Survivor in Dead by Daylight
"We gotta try this Bill'd out" HAHAHAHAHA sorry
For real Yesterday i was facing vs Maxx 🙂 He was super good but i won … 🙂 Its good and fun guy.
Next update: "Fixed a bug that caused killers to not see scratch marks when the chased survivor is running Lightweight"
We're gonna live forever flashbacks
Or maybe Billy had some normal @$$ perks meanwhile (Wesker) was running garbage perks to go against.
P.s……… sometimes we aint that great at games from time to time
Bill probably got lucky in most of the situations.
I am so proud of this Bill. Bill is life, Bill is love.
it was only diffuclt because he wasnt playing huntress op weapon out XD
I went against a survivor who ran and left no scratch marks until she got off hook
The guys who were certain he was hacking because they didn’t know what Low Profile does are perfect representations of the community
can you imagine after that game he comes in chat and say "gg I was the bill" and leaves without explanation
he not a bill he is a New Kung Fu panda Power
Best part of all is Bill is normally the loudest survivor out there. Also Coconut pretty much never or rarely even activated Low profile in his matches.
Is it just me or did Bill lose him in the evidence lockers room WITHOUT low profile activated? He zoomed in multiple times and Kate was up, not down or dead, and Bill had no scratches or pools of blood after the flashbang.
Smells subtle to me…
Low profile (should) deactivates once you're no longer the last survivor standing but knowing bhvr once it activates it stays active no matter what.
ReChecking 12:31, kate was not down, he was not the last survivor standing. he leaves no scratch mark or blood… sorry to say, but he was cheating.
i have fixated, sb, lightweight and vigil on my kate and played on ormond yesterday and myers kept losing me every single time he chased me (sad i wasn't recording), could see him in the distance confused 😀 didnt get so much value from LW like that in my life 😀 and ada perk gave me a lot of value as well on my other survivors (have different builds on every surv) so to me it was pretty legit, but i thought he had SB ngl
how is he the best? mans just used lightweight indoors….
Bill was really good, but there is a problem, when Kate lifted herself up he still wasn-t showing any scratch marks. Also, the pools of blood, it should have been deactivated UNLESS it is a bug
Poor Bill. He had a decent build and played well. As reward, he got sandbagged by Kate who then escaped and he also got camped to death…
Wait no he was cheating cuz when he flashbanged u kate was injured not downed so low profile shouldn’t have activated no?
This reminds me of when Sweh highlighted this perk
I'm so happy that out of everyone it happened to be a stock cosmetic Bill, They deserve the world and I will do anything to protect them. Since I started playing to now I still cannot help myself but to give them hatch and treat them with the most respect I can. I hope he sees this video, so he knows that he is a legend and beacon of hope for all other Bills out there in the fog.
it's always a kate sandbagging…. for reals
u know CoconutRTS is interested when he puts his feet on The Chair 11:44
Imagine getting banned just because you dunked on a streamer, I hope all 200 of those bans were actual cheaters considering how he acted in this match
If you rewatch carefully, the only reason why Bill was able to blind CoCo was because he already projected for that to happen. He knew that the killer will eventually catch him somewhere around there, hence he threw the flashbang and turned around to an estimated area, to let the killer catch on him, and it will be where he would get hit along with the flashbang aoe. It seems easy but sometimes it really requires skills to perform that precisely… Not to mention that he didn't get blinded by himself (which happens to me many times).
I think replacing flash bang would be a better build
I saw an Argentinian streamer doing the same with diferents perks, has Mikaela's boon the one which hide your run marks. I think he also uses lightweight and other 2 perks but I don't know the English names.
But the thinks was that, that build of perks was specific 'Mono (streamer name) racoon city'. So I understand that this build is very similar and works on specifics maps has Racoon, Lery o Midwick maybe
Why are Kate players always so bad? Is it because they're all female?
Bills are the chads nea mains wish they were
1. I dont think you ever manage to use low profile so i dont get the point of the rest of the video after bill
2. RPD/ map advantage was in play. like in the blight match i feel like just with light weight and iron will was all needed
in conclusion: I thought the whole point was to test out low profile even tho we never got to that point
but light weight and iron will seem solid
i feel a mix of your build and bills that we may be on to something
honestly the music was annoying , i watch all your videos but the music is just too loud and annoying.
Problem is Low Profile was never active in the last game, so Spirit could always see your blood to track. The build works best when healthy or being the last standing, which your game against Bill went almost perfectly for him in that regard
I think he is just a subtle cheater and can see your aura :v Surv can't be this good. His reactions are too perfect like he just sees you through the walls.
BHVR…BE-HAYV-YUR. Man you silly lol
Thank you for having an open mind and not automatically assuming someone was cheating. The community needs more of this since people can't just quit the game and want to just be miserable
The reason the games did not go the same for you as they did for Bill is because you play like a killer no matter what side of the match you are on.
Killers program themselves to take advantage of their slightly and increasingly faster run speed. High hour killers run super linear paths based on cutting off loops
When you were playing survivor you ran highly predictable straight line paths because your mind is still thinking. "Have to run from here to there so I can get to the pallet, to get to the window to get to the other window to get to the pallet. The killer is going to chase me so I have to get there before he catches up"
The Bill on the other hand ran. "I am going to break LOS and then he is going to THINK I am going to go for that pallet because its closer, but instead I am going to go for the longer one, he can not see my scratch marks so the longer time it takes to get there is fine"
You never looked behind you when you chased him. You were so sure that he was going to go in the most logical and linear short distance wanting to extend chase that you fell for it every single time.
He also runs up against walls and objects in loops and you do not. I would say thats because you are a killer, but hugging objects as killer is beneficial also
What was the interface you showed with the feedback/confirmation with BHVR on your reports? Reported lots of stuff and never saw any feedback
Playing on rpd with a couple of convenient and mostly lucky situations (like how he was going down the stairs and the objects almost hided his whole path) played a huge role on this, I personally hate to try non meta builds in this game only for it to barely work 1 out of 10 games.
So I was Kate and my boyfriend was Yoichi. I'd like to defend myself and say that when I slow vaulted that pallet, I didn't realize that Bill was being chased across from me until it was too late 🤣😭 I swear it wasn't on purpose
"See how quickly I can catch this kate… he must be cheating" – chat
BRUHHHHHHHHHHHH, imagine comparing someone whose good at the game to that travesty.
ok, but when bill blined you with flashbang, then got hit afterwards, he wasnt last survivor standing… Kate was also up
This video was well edited. I bet it took ages to do.
That bill was scary quick and smart
this build is awesome.. I'm really impressed by the Bill who thought of this.