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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight
"the data"
Small two layer maps are the way to go
Knight beign so strong in this god forsaken map kinda feels like karmic justice
Yea it's fun
Nobody ever wins a fight -Dalton
People love to straw-man argument.
I will say that I don't enjoy fighting.
But it is a thrill if you happen to find yourself in one. But maybe that's because I got the McGinzo blood from NY. Hahahaha! Although Tru3 is correct about the fighting. Too many negatives even if you are victorious.
You would be a welter weight a middle weight or a light heavy weight
I love that there is barely any commentary on the game. It’s all about fighting lol
Near 6'3" and less than 190lbs, you're not big 🤣. Your arms are tiny, no shoulder/trap definition. Idk who you're trying to impress, but you look scrawny! Anyone who is that tall, and that low of weight, doesn't have muscle mass and they are skinny.
tru3 vs otz but he has prep time who yall got
If u were to fight u would be lightweight or welterweight. A lot of 155ers are naturally 185 pounds/ 85 kg . So whatever your natural weight, minus like 30 pounds
Look at mahamad Ali. The brain damage in his later years was really sad.
So I’ll be honest I’ve been in my fair share of fights and I’ve lost more than I’ve won lol (I’ve been lucky enough to only fight against people that will stop kicking my ass when they’ve clearly won) the irony though is that the most hurt I’ve ever been in after one are fights that I “won” lol. That being said I found out quick the more fights you win will always lead to other people whom are far better at fighting wanting to test you. I agree with Tru3 though 100% most people don’t factor in how dangerous fighting is for both parties.
True knows that making a path with the Knight's power is inefficient. Hell, he was one of the first to figure out how because the survivors can see not only the orb/pathing but the detection radius of the guards it makes anything other than drop and Spawn anti loop plays or 3 gen patrolling completely unviable with is killer. So why does he continue to try to make paths when just dropping is and would be the best play. You told us it didn't work you tested it and proved it didn't work. True I believe you. I tried it myself and sure enough even post buff just immediately dropping the guards at unsafe loops is the only viable way to use his power in chase.
tru when looking at Kat 0:55
Did realise you were so tall tru. Also the person saying a featherweight does the same damage as a heavy weight ?
The reason heavy weights are not as popular to watch as banter or middle is because a chin hit with a 90+ kilo man will knock you out 😂
Bruh this tough guy commentary is pure cringe
Its really funny how this is arguably one of his strongest maps.