I Spent $114 on This DLC || Resident Evil in Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Resident Evil DLC is back in DBD baby! wesker is looking GOOOOD!!

Live almost every single day – https://www.twitch.tv/Bawkbasoup
Edited by https://twitter.com/LeyendaDelGamer

Most unedited videos can be found here (eventually) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-xaBOY0o9lN8g5r38U0xkw

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#dbd #dbdwesker #dbdmemes


24 thoughts on “I Spent $114 on This DLC || Resident Evil in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Mr.death is the best no doubt about it but they all look fantastic I love resident evil and dead by daylight is a great game and I'm happy this collaboration happened

  2. The RE5 Skin on Felix is what I've always wanted… but for Chris not Felix lol. Worst thing about it is they got the name wrong, it's called The STARS uniform when it should be BSAA. Wish they could eventually add it for Chris as another Legendary. I love his RE5 Look

  3. Damb and here I thought me spending a bit over 50 bucks getting the chapter, Carlos, RE1 Jill and Trenchcoat Ada was a lot of money. Honestly would've done the same as Bawk if I had more funds. Its a good day to be an RE fan.
    Kinda wish they made the Hunk skin a bit more unique tho

  4. I’m really fond of the content you make, but please don’t tell me that after the ohh-mouse circling Wesker’s butt I’ve been fantasizing on a hypothetical hook up with a straight dude I’ve been crushing on over the past few weeks

  5. These dlc cosmetics are great for RE Fans but in my opinion, you should have not buy it… It is too expensive for what they are, and buying, in my opinion, comfort Behaviour for keeping selling these costemics at very price.

    "Who cares if it is so expensive ?" There are a lot of players giving us their money so let's continue

  6. God I'm so upset about that Felix skin 🙁
    I've been waiting since the first chapter for them to add BSAA Chris and then they give me this. This chapter did everything else I wanted it to but I can't even be happy about it because I'm just sad about RE5 Chris


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