I waited 30 minutes for this – Dead By Daylight

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It takes 30 minutes to get 1 single game as killer on the PTB, so don’t be like these survivors.
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42 thoughts on “I waited 30 minutes for this – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Its the PTB. If you play like a dick, there's no penalty for me leaving. So thats what I'll do, whether I'm playing killer or survivor. I spent the same time downloading it as anyone else, and I deserve a fun experience. If I'm not having fun, I'll go find a match where I will have fun

  2. The first day I tested him, I only played 3 games because
    a) Takes a fuckload of time
    b) For some reason people tryhard on the PTB, despite it being to test and you can't get points
    c) They quit for some reason
    I seriously don't know why the kids come and play

  3. Honestly, people who rage quit on the PTB should probably be outright banned from using it. It’s there for testing, so rage quitting just defeats the whole purpose.

  4. xD But its not that easy as you think.. at least for a few people!
    I'm not playing on PTB but I have a big rage problem (Even as a little little child) and working for many many years on it to be more calm.
    Rarely there are moments where I ragequit sometimes. You need so much time with selfreflection and to practise to get over your own mind.
    But I'm full on your side, "Stop ragequitting on the PTB!".
    But I will always ragequit if I have to choose between my expensive pc gaming set up or (worst case ingame) ban! A few peeps may know about this! x'D
    … cheeses crysis I destroyed many gameboys, mouses, headsets, chairs, walls, bottles, speakers, cables, screens, a couch and some more in my very young and young years! <3
    Great content by the way! 🙂

  5. Its not escape by daylight. Its dead by daylight. Death is part of the game. If you cant handle this, why you playing this game?? Yoy are survivor. You can die. I dont understand these people. They just have big EGO

  6. Reasons like this is why I stopped playing the test build all together the ultimate sweat bags is the other reason like seriously they need to start locking shit that hasn't been changed so things can be tested properly

  7. honestly this is why I don’t fuck w ptbs. 10-20 minute wait just to play a killer in a lobby full of pc players who just want to bully and be shitheads that usually just end up dc’ing halfway into the match half the time

  8. This is like half of why every new killer release is buggy and over powered. People can't be bothered to complete matches to give BHVR complete data. (Obviously there's other reasons too but)


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