I Will Make You Fear Nightfall! Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

I wil make you fear this more than you can ever imagineโ€ฆor something epic sounding like that.

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #fear #power #scary #scared

Iโ€™m live right now! get on over here โ€“ https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent


23 thoughts on “I Will Make You Fear Nightfall! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hi true, I watch your wraith videos and when you showed us the pop, scourge pain, sloppy & thano perk build with the add ons to break things faster it made me really enjoy playing wraith but with the new scourge nerf, what do you suggest replacing it with? Thank u true if you reply ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I like trues content, it's enjoyable to see a competent player play a game but he's changed a lot for whatever reason.

    Gone are the days where he played his ass off at the highest level, now whether he's playing a strong killer or a weak one all he does now is hyper tunnel whichever poor soul he happens to hook first. Doesn't matter if they're a strong looper or a potato he calls their team efficient to validate his incessant need to tunnel every player he vs's and it's sad seeing the change.

    If the killer he's playing is decently strong he will still tunnel the first person out then go back to the fun true he used to be and show us some fun, exciting chases & outplays.

    If the killer is weak he will completely throw a game just to tunnel someone out, like a few days ago where he was playing a weak killer (pig) he literally ignored survivors on gens, ignored body blocks, ignored everything to tunnel someone out, it's sad to watch.

    He no longer cares about the micro game, only plays the macro hyper tunnel meta. I get that losing isn't fun but it's not a lot of fun watching good players you know are top level at dbd hyper tunnel for hours either.

    It is possible to play at the highest level without hyper tunneling, you won't always win obviously but true literally used to do it and other creators do it as well. I just want old true back.

  3. I recently played a game as artist running a lethal pursuer build.

    I ran new lethal pursuer to find people at the start.

    I also ran bbq which told me where survivors were after a hook.

    I ran scourge floods of rage which told me where survivors were after an unhook from a scourge

    And new hex ruin just for a bit of slowdown.

    The info is absolutely nuts on this build and with artist being able to force survivors off generators cross map.

    Had a survivor actually dc just to get rid of ruin this game.
    The new lethal pursuer is actually dangerous now.

  4. Dredge I feel like is a powerful balanced killer, decent anti loop, good map control and a passive like nightfall, he can be beatable without being a bit for free like Nurse, Spirit or Artist…

  5. Imagine, tru3 is asking for strong perks for killers, nerf for survivors and his only skill is tunneling. XD He's so pathetic and still believe his the best player in dbd of the world.

  6. Fuckin tunneling ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ how true. One of those kind of mains we see. The culture been coming for this guy. It's only matter of time time b4 everything really comes ladies and gentlemen.


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