I WON AS LEGION? WTF? | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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I actually won as Legion and killed all the Survivors? … wtf? Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion inD ead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog


15 thoughts on “I WON AS LEGION? WTF? | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. hear me out though….Legion still runs the same speed, but instead of stabbing the survivor when they get close to the survivor they pull out a shotgun and shoot the survivor. eh OCAGE

  2. I really like tatariu because he is not like other youtubers who only posts matches that they only win, tatariu posts any type of match, it doesn't matter if he won or lost if it was fun he posts it on his channel and that's amazing , he doesn't pretend he's good just posting videos where he does well, he posts videos where the 4 escape and he admits he makes mistakes just like anyone else and that's the best way to make a healthy fanbase. PS: YOH THAT JOLT VALUE OMG

  3. I win as legion all the time. I beat legion a lot as survivor because I understand how legions power works. Spread out. Do gens. Ignore healing as much as possible. Legion wants you to waste time. Don’t waste time.


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