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Today we play nurse with iridescent addons in dead by daylight!
Dead By daylight released a new chapter update with ghostface and legion changes, funny moments and meme fail. Dbd update vs bully squads. Killer tips at high mmr. Toxic swf.
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you got Nancy bully squad and now Steve bully squad. whats next? demo bully squad?
usually steves are toxic in my experience, oh and definitely dwights
also, head on is "a fun perk", says the people making the killer have to sit there and keep being spammed with wait times.
Love your vids and stream dud keep up the good work ๐
Baby survs wdym bully? Trollers btw Nice video do u want 1v4 against my team?? I know your answer ๐
L Bully Squads ๐
this is the worst bully squad ive ever seen lmao
Steve team was really bad๐ u downed them easily
Love the accent
Wannabe bully squads makes me cringe.
lol but that last video in RPD is from like 4 months ago or even more, since they have changed RPD so there's a hook on the library floor next to the stairs
That Steve team seems like it would be fun to play against
He straight put them down oh man. I love dead plays so much he such a beast.
Lol got put into a match against bully squad of 4 Claudettes using thicken Mist. My eyes were so strained after the match.
Yup!! Y'all heard what he said within the first 7 secs of this video right? During this series EVERY(INCLUDING THE BLIGHT) killer will be featured equipped with iridescent add ons!!
Very nice work. This was so enjoyable to watch and that accent makes it all that much better
Nothing like destroying a bully squad in the morning to give you that satisfaction
THis seems like an unkillable monster. The way it can teleport right to the people.
What accent is this? Love it๐
That first group.. I faced them yesterday. They tried the same thing against my Wraith.. I have Legacy for a damn good reason. Was a easy 4k lol.
Yes, annihilate those cocky survivor cucks. Excellent…
Why run both iridescent add ons, they essentially cancel eachother out
The thing about bully squads is that they forget they're supposed to do gens ๐
Bro the 180s, the flicks, the skills!!!!
Instead of walking straight with boil over, walk sideways. completely negates it.
I got bullied the other day as well. I think I got hit by head-on like more than 20x that game. I was just coming back into the game after a year of hiatus… Feels like killer is at the mercy of survivors ironic as it may be ๐
Thatโs literally the toxic survivor outfit
Nurse is one of the killers whose green and purple addons are stronger than iris
nurse carries
Weird story of mine but, one time a toxic Nancy kept teabagging and clicking, I finally caught and killed her with 2 others and 1 got out, I was on pc and she said in the endgame chat โ I let you Win โ but like she was trying to hard
Still better bully squad like gen rushers dogs ๐
Bro. You're the nurse with iri add ons. Give me a break. If you are a skilled nurse player, you should win 9/10 games, at least. Nurse is broken, we all know this. Its the only killer in the game where I don't feel bad if a team actually can bully the killer. Especially if you are using OP add ons. Cmon dude. This isn't impressive.
D3AD I'd love for you to try my nurse Build in a video. "BBQ, Agitation, StarStruck, and Surge (Jolt) w/ yellow pinecone and yellow string things".
That Steve game is what ive got 8 out of 10 games tbh… Thats why i stop dbd. Just enjoy videos on youtube but not the game anymore