Irish Streamer = BAD KILLER?! | Salty Survivors in Dead By Daylight

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What’s the weirdest insult you’ve seen a salty survivor through at another person in Dead By Daylight? Well, I think I’ve found one that could top it! Specifically, insinuating that if you’re an Irish Streamer, you must be bad at playing killer!

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Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex

#dbd #saltysurvivor #dbdstreamer


21 thoughts on “Irish Streamer = BAD KILLER?! | Salty Survivors in Dead By Daylight”

  1. Streamers who get hate for just playing the game is so hurtful , I’m so glad that streamer handled the situation well and was still nice, wishing well for his upcoming streams and he also gained a follow <33

  2. even with videos like this it aint gonna change some people, yeah they know what they are saying is shitty but these people tend to be close minded. instead kind of what you were highlighting support and praise people with the ability of at the very least nurture the mental fortitude in dealing with these kinds of people.

  3. I stopped playing dbd because of killer gameplay and solo queue experiences from teammates I wasn’t a fan of! Other people that feel the same should follow suit lol don’t play/contribute money to a game that’s not fun for you anymore. No use complaining about it at that point! It’s never that serious. Dbd seems to be dying a bit anyways 😂 I think everyone on both sides of killer/survivor are just tired of each other at this point lol

  4. “Killers can play however they want” so so true!! killers and survivors can play however they want, camping and tunnelling included! the survivor entitlement is real. it’s all just a game at the end of the day 🙂

  5. i have a video of another irish streamer going into my chat while streaming and talk shit me and viewer shame and some how affilate shame me but i just shut him up because i had enough with him.
    he is an affilate aswell.
    the best thing tho i shown the clip of his POV and my POV and we all laughed for the fact he was likely dublin so i got the last laugh and some point will be affilate to overthrow him.

  6. I'm a very altruistic survivor so I hate camping killers cause it basically ruins other people's experience. But if the survivor is being toxic. Hell nah, give my regards to the entity.

  7. With the amount of streamers ive been going against. Ive had probably 2 times where its been a bit of a negative experience. The first one was actually resolved after the stream(i messaged the streamer and what i thought happened and yada yada)
    The second one genuinely thought i was stream sniping.
    I entered the stream before the game And i had a bad game as ghostface. And they shit talked me and then banned me from stream.

    Other than that. Every streamer I've gone against has been truly great. Some of my favourite games were actually against streamers! Everyone if you go against a streamer Spread the positivity and support them!

  8. I disagree with the point that every killer can play how they like and it's completely fair.
    Ofc they can play how they want but some ways are toxic and there's no way to denie that, same for survivors tho and I'd like to see less toxic things, the problem there is imo that most players focus more on one side so they can't understand the other side and don't know how frustrating it can be if you face a toxic killer or a toxic swf


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