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Dead by Daylight Just how strong do you think the Artist is. Some Find her just strong While other survivors think she is super op? What are your thoughts? Here’s some gameplay for those thoughts!

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Artist Gameplay!
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29 thoughts on “IS ARTIST STRONG OR ACTUALLY OP? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. as a main of artist the perks i used is barbecue and chili , dead mans switch and corrupt ,and dead lock or noed

    i think its a really solid build helps strengthen her strong suit which is at distance and a lot of times people will be working at far gens , and dead man helps with this ,dead lock is just mainly to stall longer or noed caus mainly u get hits with her m1 and ability is just used at distance so in end game this helps her out

    add ons i use vibrant obituary and still life crow sadly most her add ons i dont think is good or have a very low chance to actually really be useful only inked egged and baby shoe and the otheres iv listed try the build out and let me know what anyone thinks

  2. The biggest strength with Artist that many players underestimate about her is how easy it is to be 2 steps ahead of everyone she chases. Congrats! You hold W against her, but those crow paths scare you into a bad tile whether you realize it or not. Suddenly you find yourself in a lose-lose scenario where you can't escape and take a down for your troubles.

    And that's just one of the many ways Artist can mindgame Survivors with her power. On top of that, Iron Maiden completely shuts down the only consistent counterplay to her by punishing healthy Survivors who try to get rid of crows by jumping into lockers. Thus, Survivors will be conditioned into not jumping into lockers… making her power live more often!

    She's damn oppressive and is a Top 5 Killer in the game, but everyone dismisses her as a "Hold W" Killer without understanding the intricate nuances of her power. Playing Artist requires needing to be able to create contingency plans before each chase and chain them together in order to dominate the Survivors.

  3. I’m realizing that Artist is the new Plague.. no one played her for the longest, so not a lot of people knew how to play against her or deal with her 😌💅

  4. i feel like a reason why artist got forgotten was cuz ppl heard of the ring girl coming in the game and everybody got all hyped. I dont like ring girl at all just cuz i find her pretty boring in every way.

  5. I’d say I’m a survivor main and I complain about strong stuff every now and again, (even if it’s not considered op) but artist was something I always thought was balanced. Sure, strong in the right hands, but nothing too powerful, even with good addons. There’s always some form of unique counterplay and it kind of makes holding W fun. From my perspective she’s mid-high A tier when played right.

  6. I don't like how she can get cross-map intel for free from her base power. Wanna check gens while you're camping with her? You can do that. Wanna check the hook when you're all the way across the map? You can do that. Wanna check both doors from one spot in the end-game and there's only one survivor left? You can do that.

    It's too much, man.


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